no no no! I acknowledged it is a mess..but insist that we have to see the mess as it is wholly and how it came to be and so know better how to fix it.
in fixing it we do not have to depend entirely on existential social structures, but can create new more relevant ones, suitable for our day. but in doing so we are not restricted in any way by what we may use as example.
all of the past can be be studied and used as resource, for working who we are and what is good and practical in existence, that we can create to take us into the future
children must be nutured all the way through..but only in a family of 2 parents seems quite limiting mow...and we may be able to expand to accomdate all alive in whatever family structural formation they have created in order to survive, nuture and go forward.
lets say suddenly the people have all freedom to live as is possible..the old punitive exploitative elites are gone and we are now free to create. we have all the fatherless children you listed. what do we do with them..what are their current status, who they live with, how they live etc.?
when you get into it you will see all kinds of social arrangements..between men and woman and their extended families and the children..friends etc. people making do how they can and so on. that is how the system runs people
so now YOU can do things..nothing in your have all the power...what will you do -force people to get married, break up under force all arrangements other than regular marriage..impose 10 commandments morality etc. something like imposing Sharia in the Muslim world?
the people will fight you instead. you have to let the people regularise their situations as they see fit. what you have to do is not to dictate morals but to provide work, development, opportunity, school fuh everyone, proper social infrastructure, doctors and free health an so on. you have to make sure everybody have a chance.
where you have to move intellectually is in the formulation of a relevant ideology, based on the truth of the people, how they came here, their collective interest, how to actualise it, develop it protect and keep it. and in that and on that you have to begin the end of racism, classicism, gender inequality, jobbism, general insecurity ending all the old nasty ways and things people had to do to get ah bread in a situation of shortage...imposed shortage
what you doing is giving the people the means to transform their lives from one of degradation to accepted quality, to what they want, how they want to live as they go, learning and growing as they go. they will work out something which at one point will be one way, a way of llife that is theirs, created by them, all standards set by them, workable and working.
so the cause of fatherless babies is not only a black problem in the west indies. it is a social problem cause by exploitative society forced on the people for the profit of forriners and not on the well being of west indians.
people do not have chance to love and nuture their children for all kinds of negative reasons in the west indies.
a changed society in which the regional national resources are deployed in the interest of the people, ends all that...results in opportunity for the people to work and make decent livings in the process of the region developing itself, building social infrastructure to improve the lives of the people, as teachers, professionals, tradesmen etc
that is what I have been on and on about