Anyone with an iota of intelligence will not just concur with MAPPAPPIEE but point out how disgraceful you are. You twist and turn things, like a dog with a bone or a incessantly nagging woman who would not just see sense.
You do not genuinely discuss cricket you are a propagandist!
You are biased, insular and the worst type of agent provacateur.
MAPPIPPEE aims to make sense and backs up his position with established theories. As it happens I do not agree with his class and elite argument but there is a theoritical validity, accuracy and logic in the correct context.
MAPPIPPEE is a true West Indian as he, in a public forum, favours none and you can learn something from him. He does not need me or anyone else to inspire his comments and you should take on board when the negative comments are without bias and prejudice.
As a major contributor, you bring the discussion in this forum to a low as sadly you do not talk cricket you talk a load of absolute rubbish swaying here there and everywhere only concerned to slate Trinidad, go on about flying fish (not sure what that is all about) and harp on about Guyana out of context and unnecessarily. The so called 'hate' of Trinidad is symtomatic of what you had previously pointed out...
Someone who hates you
normally hates you for one of theree reasons.
They either see you as a threat.
They hate themselves.
Or they want to be you!
If you are against the cancellation of the tour then that is a position you can substantiate, one I do not think you have done yet. Do not post slanderous pictures and comments about people, making presumptions above what is available in the public domain. You are no more privy to inside information tahn any of us.
I, on reflection, feel more should ahve been done to ensure the tour went ahead and from what we understand, the WICB cancelled the tour.
Having had time to reflect, I now feel, whatever the terrible situation, the players should have continued with the tour and then tried to resolve the matters when they returnmed but their concerns were such it undermined their focus.
I do not give too rats ass where Bravo is from but as Captain he had to take a lead.
The fact the team were not given contracts prior to the tour, the fact that the WIPA did not share a final document following consultation and prior to signing, the fact that they requested a meeting with Cameron which he refused are not Bravo's fault.
Bravo could not have acted alone and even if you want to pin any sort of blame on Pollard as well, these two cannot manipulate a situation but I am sure they can influence it. Meetings were held with Lloyd, Richardson, Williams, Ambrose etc. It is not as if the players met clandestinely in corridoors etc and then sprung this on management and the world.
You are quick you point fingers of scab to Sammy, which he was, but nothing about Shiv, when as a senior more established player, was the biggest scab of all.
It is tragic that I have to point out had Sarwan and Shiv been part of this situation 95% od these silly conversations would not be taken place.
There is place for light heartedness and a bit of trivia but shift the emphasis 90:10 Cricket:trivia.