but you convince mih! I stop saying stuff! it fallin' on deef ears-hole anyway
I do all kind of work, hard work, read book, research, wrench myself into change of myself....spend eons of time here to write the most truthful things I can ascertain fuh allyuh to read and hear. it doh make no sense. it is not appreciated at all. look at your attack pon me!!!
and wat I say? nutten but the absolute truth relative to that situation.
I doan like no cock-sucking rich people..white or black or chinese etc. they are the source of all that's evil, wrong, destructive in the world..they and the social systems they have conjured up to facilitate their rip off of the world. they keep humanity back, waste human opportunity and life in existence, have turned the world into a social cesspit, an environmental cesspit..man cant ever get a fresh breath of air unless he goes to the most remote points where there are no people at all...l just to be able to breathe real air while he is there
I want to bury you and all yuh rarse rich friends and models..to revolutionize the world..or get rid of all the shackles allyuh put around the world, around the people on their minds..free dem and let dem run amok, revolutionizing the world