it does not matter what the eff africans wat you..allyuh.. doing in the west indian situation as it has developed/evolved ::confused:: ::confused:: ::confused::
it is my effing contention that allyuh always bawling but allyuh have no freakin answers..intellectual, existential, abstract..none..nada..kakapool.
allyuh may have racial answers relevant to allyuh group(s) but that's it. allyuh part of a plural 'society' and have nutten beyond group and dat is a mjor problem in the west indies.
dat is why allyuh cyar fill the yawnin' vacuum opened up as black people fail irrevocably the demands of independent nationalism on all levels. allyuh have no answers as black people sink into immeasurable western derived social corruption and degradation.
black women who dominate black men teach black man woman's work.
that is why black man build nutten at all, create no group infrastructure that he can use to develop his own wealth/community wealth and having nothing to stand up on, far less to fall back on... and knowing only what his mother taught him.. and she was limited to using her body to feed her family.. look around and see sick, efete, nasty black men every where in quiet and secret corners with the white man' cock up deh bottom, in deh han' an' mout'!
black men have no choice but to compete with deh mothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, to take man fuh ah livin'. and in these days of legal bullin' it's free sheet across the board. but as black man sink into womanhood/tranny, undah a boat load of wood..mostly white man wood.. in the west indies wat allyuh doing ::confused::
I doh see no Indo program that involves the whole society. allyuh doh think like dat..inclusive, nationalist. dat is why allyuh cyar tek over the cricket because allyuh doh think so. we produce greats who were ready to go after we put all kinds of pressure on the white man
we had characters driven and formed by that social content...big characters like the W's, Sobers, Lara etc. we even had big Indo characters then too, including Kanhai and kalliecharran who in those days could be considered as products of the then burgeoning west indian nationalism. since dat dry up no cricketers at all..not black, not Indo, not nobody.
but this is allyuh time..shud be allyuh time.. to take over and re-energize the society far less the cricket
the west indies is a rotten, failed situation..the old pregnant nationalism is dead and there is nutten from any west indian quarter of a progressive nature to take its place