St John’s, ANTIGUA – Cricket West Indies (CWI) and England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB) will once again partner for a Level 3 Coaching Programme set to begin in Antigua on Wednesday, November 8.
The programme will feature 25 regional coaches from all six territories and the ICC Americas, all of whom already have the Level 2 certification.

The programme will be held over eight days. Some of the areas of focus will be decision-making, captaincy, individuality for coach and player, team coaching and leadership, to name a few. Video analysis is also a key area. The course will be completed when final individual assessments are carried out in February 2018.
The Lead Tutor from the ECB is Tim Dellor and he will be accompanied by seven other colleagues.
Director of Cricket, Jimmy Adams is happy for the course as it falls in line “with CWI’s mandate to continue its programme of elite coaching development within the region. The addition of the coaches from the ICC Americas is an indication of our support for cricket development in the Americas.”
Adams pointed out “it is important to ensure that our neighbouring Associates have access to our development programmes in line with our commitment to helping them to improve standards.”
The course will take place at the Coolidge Cricket Ground.
Additionally, another 25 coaches have been elected to sit a CWI Level 1 course in St Kitts starting tomorrow (November 8). The coaches are from the St Kitts Nevis area. The course will be lead by CWI Tutors, Junie Mitchum and Kumar Rampat and will run until Saturday, November 11. The venue for the course is at Conaree.