Lara by the 277..was nowhere near where he was at 17-18 against Marshall/Garner at the QPO and that 92. he was much sturdier and physically advanced that 5 years previously.
and when I talk improved physicality I don't mean Tino Best. Tino best is that physical type and muscle-builder kind of person. I don't see Paint like that ever. but Paint needs to put on some muscle and get fitter. that solves a whole lot.
and yet he may be evolving physicality as he should, according to type..I don't know. he may hit what I have in mind at a later time. but nothing should stop him from tightening up all now..especially with muscle. weight training is good..but again: NOT TO TINO'S MUSCLE-BOUND LEVEL
now PainT does have a fine record. when I first saw him and read of his exploits I figured he would be even further along in his career at this stage.
but Paint has not thickened up which I believe is the reason why. and it is during the past year 18 months during which a lack of consistency appeared..which fits my impression as the physical reality of continuous cricket may have caught up with his physical insufficiency
I also speak of this by and from experience. even now when I lag off I feel it. I get up go back to walking, weights, push ups and its like night and day. after a week and continuing. I sleep better, stretch in pleasure and ease, do everything better..even typing at my pc
when I am miserable and down I get moving if I can because at times I get through the a phucking hole opens up, I fall in and cant climb out and I stay in until I see a way to get moving.
but once I get moving in a few days I am much better, a week I am on my 2 weeks I am feeling much better and all I could not do becomes easy-easier. and concentration improves. I can go and go and go.....
( and btw...I was not serious on Paint by references to Riri and their friendship growing up. Riri is what 28-29..4-5 years older than Paint and looked after him. those things happen in life..all the time.
I meant nothing disparaging about Paint in that.. I was joking.
its just that he ought to get some weight training in, tighten up his physicality, eat foods that could help him enlarge himself.
weight training I find is tremendous..using resistance methods of physical training. they give you real strength and fitness..endurance on all levels. which is why I recommend it.)
and also btw...I did not know dat about dasheen and eddoes...that tremendous curative in them
mmmm. I have to look into that ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::