17 Jun 2016 22:23 - 18 Jun 2016 06:39 #308655
by mapoui
TD! run come bring pictures of Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Abe Lincoln, Andrew Jackson...Ludwig Van Beethoven, Joseph Hayden etc etc etc and tel me what you see... :
yes that's right...white men. but it is known without a doubt that they all were black..down to the lawsuits based on evidence as to whom Abe Lincoln belonged, from whom he descended who ran away from slavery. by right Lincoln was old marse's property..and the lawsuit sought to have him returned to his lawful master.
and that aint all. they used to call Abe Africanus. and political cartoons of the day made fun of him as Africanus.
I know what the Link I posted says. I dont care! 'we all know Hansen was a negro' ::LOL:: ::LOL::
we also know that the Greeks stole all they claim to have invented and discovered from Africa/Egypt. but few say so. the white man invented Greece as his source for he would not have the provenance he wanted otherwise.
its all a fake like Hansen a white man. according to the official history they are all white. but that is far from the truth
Last edit: 18 Jun 2016 06:39 by mapoui.
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18 Jun 2016 06:44 #308660
by mapoui
to be honest what I find is that there is great doubt about what Hansen was in terms of ethnicity..no less among the whites than among africanus experts and commentators.
some whites call him Sweedish, some call him English, Scottish....
the black person always photgraphed next to Hansen is a much later African figure and not a representation of Hansen as a Black man
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18 Jun 2016 07:10 #308661
by mapoui
that is sarcastic simpleton stuff isnt TD ::confused::
what about claiming something simply as historical fact go expose it, encourage further clarification to advance truth and clarity about the reality with which we deal..all the better to decide as effectively as we go based on truth.
I checked my intent pointing to famous 'white' american people who by american definition are black and I find nothing of what you imply in it
I say all people are black, from an african source. if all are black originally what the hell does a few mongrels mean when it comes to pride, evil and all that sort of thing ::confused:: ::confused:: ::confused::
as a matter of fact if all people are african then mongrel is a moot term.
what I was more concerned about relative to the black presidents, is as a reviled group, in whom even a suspected drop of black blood was cause for lynching.... how did they emerge in roles of great social power ::confused:: ::confused:: ::confused::
it was Karl Marx I believe who pointed out that a system in power does not hesitate to use the power at hand that advances it regardless of whom that power resides in.
ahh! there we go..an insight that advances. studded in dominant white society we see highly placed blacks throughout the emergence history of white power in the world. how and why man ::confused:: ::confused:: ::confused:: how does society function to permit such ::confused:: ::confused:: ::confused::
we see this same phenomena everywhere, at all periods in every domination, highly placed members of reviled and exploited groups in structure of their own domination by a conquering group....even as their own are lynched, incarcerated, totally brutally exploited there are those in the power structure of exploitation who are form the reviled group.
don't you think we need some explanation for that Trinidaddy ::confused:: ::confused::
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18 Jun 2016 07:43 #308662
by mapoui
also in ridiculing the idea of famous white people with feet of black..or black feet..you denigrate the world of scholars who have been termed historically great
and this question of evil white people...or evil per se' relates to the fairness I asked in relation to Timmy post..to define fainess. well what the hell is this evil then that I hold white people to be ::confused:: ::confused::
I do not think in terms of the principles of good and bad, or good and evil ensconced in white western society as defined by white western religions. I do not see that as historically and currently determinative in our behavior, only relevant as evolved tools of exploitation. what humans do cannot be reduced to good and evil as explanatory of anything.
what we call the criminal behavior of white people is really generic of humanity as a whole, but as product of the natural insecure conditions of our birth/evolution, not given by any god whose boy sons we killed and who rose from the dead to come again in judgement.
those stories that underpin our conception of 'good and evil' are illogical because they evolved not in relation to actual human life but stories associated with explanation of the movements of the bodies in our lunar at first and then solar system. it is called astronomy that we very early built a whole astrology around, called the zodiac by the greeks, but was way older than anything they ever imagined.
then some of those stories were literalized into the basis of the religions we now have called world religions we are compelled to believe. but literally those stories are stupid and cannot stant up to obvious logic. so we are asked to trust and believe, to live by faith and not by sight in order for them to have effect.
but the stories are illogical not because they are rooted in any unfathomable wisdom of any god whose truth will be revealed in time. they are illogical because they are not about what we have made into at all at all.
human destructive behavior is out of and rooted in the conditions in which we are born and evolved. we are born totally insecure, weaker than and eaten by all forms of life stronger than us. and in the beginning almost all forms were stronger than we are. it is the horror of that reality that shaped humanity into what we are now..existential experience shaped humanity, are responsible for us, nature and nature alone. hunger, the terror of insecure life, jungle life. we were no better than any other life form
environmental conditions have worked so far in favor of human survival that is why we are still here. and now that we know we may have a chance to solidify our existence by the development of knowledge of our universe and the skills and techniques that can protect us from environmental change as we go..while extending out life expectancy to unheard of limits.
only as by knowledge and skill applied to make our natural conditions better have we come up out of the jungle into what we have no and can see our way clear to better if we can overcome the last vestige of, the last challenge of immature contradictory social relations, to come to grips with our truth and give ourselves our best chance to go forward indefinitely in evolutionary universal existence...
that is an idea of where I am coming from at this point.....
all this limited stuff here I have no truck with
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18 Jun 2016 08:02 #308663
by mapoui
and remember Mail..the holocaust I have to deal with is not some possible 6 million killed during a five year period but an on-going holocaust as we speak... for more than 500 years now in which the lives of hundreds of millions have been lost
So if you will not tolerate me me even suspected consistently with the opinion of David Irving..what will you do in relation to the Jews for their huge and on-going crimes against black people, proven beyond a doubt.
will you stop dealing with Jews now, speaking to them, relating to them for these crimes about which there is no doubt, researched by, outlined and fleshed out by Jewish scholars themselves...in addition to what the records themselves state
and we have had the Jewish crime against Palestine for what 65 years now and counting.....
and what about Jewish crime against the Falasha Jews from Ethiopia..who are real Jews as opposed to the dominant Ashkanaze. Israeli Jews are eliminating those people as we speak, forcing the women to take sterilizing drugs hat render them unable to reproduce...
and there is a whole lot more of what we call evil done by the Jews all recorded...like the horric eugenic program carried out by Ashkanaze on Palestinian and Sephardic Jewish children in Israel, at the start of the Israeli state in 1948 .
and that aint all.. far, far, far from all that is awful about Jews.
but the answer is simple Mail. development must spread to all people of the world. only material security on a universalist ideology can save humanity at this point, continue human evolution in a proper manner and go a long way towards guaranteeing human survival into any see able future.
we have that universalist ideology already. it is called Socialism, or real democracy. that is the answer. ordinary humanity must revolutionize society establish democracy and so save humanity fro itself by ending exploitative divided society that produces the worst in human behavior and global inequality. it is that or human extinction plain and simple
just watch!
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18 Jun 2016 14:28 #308685
by timmyj51
Maps just don't get it: revolusion
DEAD AS DODO! ::dead:: Dead in Kuba, dead in 'Zuela. Maps stlil wearin' ol' moth-eaten Che beret :
...while Stanfer picked hiz pocket! ;D
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