will you stop your politically incorrect stuff Mail.
I have told you already... once I have established that I am on a positive path I don't care about opposition unless that opposition cant debunk what I developed, and so take the issue to further clarity and truth.
if you cant do that then do as you please..do as you please anyway. I have no control over you, seek none , want none. what you do is your business...and if it is useful I will use it. if not what... ::confused:: ::confused::
David Irving's work as an historical scientist is impeccable as far as I can determine. if you can prove that it is not then you will have advanced our knowledge of Irving and the historical region he is focused on immeasurably.
look at the mechanics of Irving's work..how he has doggedly pursued information, established the veracity of information he has accumulated, learned the languages he had to really understand the issue, his interviews of the people who were involved in the actual process..German history at the time, Hitlers assistants, their wives and children..people whose trust he won and who often refused to speak to anyone else but Irving....
all of that MUST count for something on the positive scale. you don't have to agree with Irving to recognize his excellent professional work and dedication.
then here are those whose work supports Irving whose quality of professionalism is also above reproach
and where Irving's work seeks to establish that there was no exclusively Jewish Holocaust in which 6 million died, there are Jewish professionals..and ordinary Jews around the world.. who operate on the very same conclusion..and have said so publicly and why
so what then..do you deny them too ::confused:: ::confused:: ::confused::
I have made no decision on whether or not there was a Jewish holocaust. I don't see that I have to. that is up to others. I have my own holocaust to deal with.
but I do know that there were several major holocausts during and directly after the white civil war of 1939-46 that is referred to as the second world war.
first of all there was the incredible slaughter of the Spanish civil war, 1939...the destruction of the German labour movement which was socialist, the deaths of the German labour camps which included Jews among the various European ethnic groups incarcerated in those camps during that civil war.
then there was the genocide of Germans which began with the unconscionable fire-bombing of the German city of Dresden.
and after direct hostilities after 1945, the atrocious starvation murder of uncountable thousands of German soldiers/prisoners of war, organized by the Americans under the supervision of no less than Dwight D Eisenhower himself
and this is what you might not know of Dwight D Eisenhower Mail.. that he was also a mongrel only whiter skinned than Obama. Dwight D Eisenhower's mother, Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower... mother also of Milton, Edgar and earl Eisenhower..1862/1946 was a black woman.
yes we are told that Obama is the first black president of the USA but he is very far from that. here is the very first president of the USA..none other than a black man...John Hanson
Hanson was followed by Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abe Lincoln, Warren Harding, Eisenhower... and there is one more whose name I cant recall at the moment.
and they all were as brutal and murderous as Obama is currently. so Eisenhower's atrocious genocidal behavior towards the defeated Germans was nothing unique at all.
I don't know what you think you are dealing with Mail but it seems clear to me that you believe a lot of inaccurate stuff, are nowhere near historical truth. you ought to ask the obvious questions and do your best to find accurate answers to them