I had a friend a teacher here in ontario, he has written a couple of books but he is a christian, a purported serious believer in god and the Jesus.
he explained to me the gamble he is taking..that Jesus might be real...in which case he wins, he goes to heaven.
another day his wife rhapsodized to me about Jesus, how he was such a great and sweet man, the god. I was stunned! she was for real...she actually felt what she reported. she was for real..but Jesus isnt.
Jesus was a buller, a homosexual..at least the idealization of a very pretty man who another man would live to love..and women wud want to put a dress on because he was so pretty.
imagine men and women kneeling before this image and praying their life away. they don't even know who the man is fuh christ sakes. and his arsehole friend of mine head over heels in christianity and into Jesus..,he and his Black whife. how the fuck can a Black man accept a god who is not of his own ethnic group given the way humanity evolved..given the experience of Black people at the hands of white people and what we have come to prove about the world
for a Black man to believe in Jesus is the most, self-defeating, self-destructive ignorance possible in the world we have come to prove out. it is so stupid it is to be beyond description. it was so stupid all the time he..as I did.. could easily have reasoned before we established the proof... that this Jesus shit is so wrong I simply wont believe until they prove it to be right
no he believed..and even went so far as to tell me at that point that I shud pray..that praying is crucial, to god to Jesus etc.
shortly aftah dat I dropped him. I have not spoken to him in years. I destroyed all my contact information for him. I think he is in the phone book but I have no way of contacting him. I imagine that he can still contact me but he has not..no doubt he has realized that I don't care at all about his nonsense...that I shud believe in the white Jesus and his father god in heaven..fantastic fuckery that is.
that is not intelligent at all..the way of the Black christians. it is idiotic and destructive of Black interest, has made us bend down for centuries now to white shit that has consumed out souls. it is total ignorance that does nutting for anybody positive..not even to white people themselves for they are fooled by the Jesus shit....
...like the Islamic are fooled by their religion..and the ordinary Jew too..made into monsters by the lies of Judaism
everywhere on looks the religious zombies flow out of the ideological wood works, insane people, schismatic and fighting all the fucking time, illogical and violent, hateful, punitive and unforgiving..and terrorist..think nothing of fabricating bombs and blowing up churches killing men women and children, blowing off their body parts, sending them to heaven in massive quantities, asking their insane gods to sort them out
that is how I look at your opinion ketchim..utterly dotish..like the religious shit now too dangerous to tolerate. who the fuck can you be but human no matter how the frig you look?
and no matter how you look your phenotype is in Africa. you like to bet I would meet you and bet you I can find some African group who looks like you do. look..experts tell you that! what yuh bline and cant read! its there. that you deny it can only be from pure naked prejudice. you hate Black. you will not even hold the possibility in abeyance..wait and see...outright denial. that's you.
that means prejudice..hate of nig nogs! you are as bad as Hindus when it comes to Racism against Africans. but they are Black too! what else can they bee. look the African type out of whom they came right there..Dalit.
and you and your fantastic nonsense. the history of the Indian subcontinent is well know, proved and established. you have to know it..the Pakistani part of it. you must know it..you are no fool. that you deny it means that you are fantastic and stupid, unreal and closed-minded..going nowhere fast. what the rarse am I going to do with that? what can I learn from you...what positive do you mean for the world..?
you mean nutten good..only religious schism..you and the Jews...superior all, both..no room fuh anybody else on planet earth. either side wins its slavery fuh the rest of us especially fuh us nig nogs. same with the Hindus and the Japanese with their especial hate for nig nogs..and the white christians too.
piss on all allyuh houses. there wont be any left soon enuff. allyuh arseholes going to blow up the world soon. I am sooprised that Imran and Modi ent do it already..2 of the biggest arseholes on the planet right now. with BROWN SKINS STRAIGHT NOSENSE AND NUTTEN AFRICAN ABOUT DEM
when dem white people walked into Egypt there were no jails, no military to stop them, no police..that was not what Black people built. that is why they got in so easily. the called Alexander great, conqueror but he did not have to fight to get into Egypt..Kemet! he simply walked in.
they did not tell you that the people of Kemet even then had a life expectancy of 120-130 years? we lost 60 years of life expectancy under white..and all the people with no African features, who fell from the sky to Earth.
all ah allyuh feel allyuh superior with allyuh phenotype. but I want allyuh to keep dat and disappear, go back up into the sky and be fucking gone. look around allyuh man..what better and superior allyuh are. allyuh do so much wickedness to Black people and still look at us. there are so many Black people alive 70-80 years old look not a day over 50 or less.
Black people take all allyuh piss on we and still make it and thrive. all allyuh superior types look likely to die off and leave Black people: allyuh cyar survive without Melanin..heavy doses of. so white people smartening up and gone into Blackness. suddenly the beauty of Blackness, of the Black skin is recognized for what it is..nature itself. if you were ever lucky to have been with a jet Black woman you would have experienced a coolness of skin on a hot day you would not have thought imaginable. they simply do not get hot
I did not know all I know now growing up. I thought just like you all..the superiority of white. I was dead wrong. white is not superior..just more violent, undemocratic, unnatural, greedy and selfish want all for himself. I was as wrong as allyuh were and are. you cannot imagine the job it is to deal with all the foolishness whites imposed on us, to cleanse ourselves of it, myself of it..
and to deal with the fucking guilt of hating my own. it is hurtful and massively traumatic even though we know the why of it
and now I have to deal with you and your shit that leads nowhere, solves nothing, improves nothing..there is nutten African about you! what can I learn from you posting away here.
all come from Black..all is Black..Black is where the survival in nature lies. all racism therefore is suicide..all that divides humanity is suicidal. humanity is caught up in survival on this planet. we must find out and understand what it takes to survive indefinitely in nature or we will go extinct. that is the project that unites us all, that will lead on day to cultural unity...BECAUSE THE REALITY WE FACE IS UNIVERSAL THROUGH GRADATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS THAT MADE FOR CULTURAL VARIANCE. THE CULTURAL VARIANCES WILL REMAIN OR CHANGE WITH CONDITIONS BUT THE OVERALL INTEGRATED TRUTH OF NATURAL WILL FORCE HUMANITY TO DEVELOP A RELEVANT CULTURAL THAT MEETS SPECIES SURVIVAL REQUIREMENT
that there is human truth and its relativity. there is absolutely nothing about humanity that is not relevant to human size and nature, capabilities etc. nature is not god in the sky, supremely powerful..GOD! there is nothing like that in existence any goddam where. nature is the force, the creator, the driver of all we are, what we are part of and see all the time..what we are made of, what we eat, go back to when we die. it is what we build with, live in, dress with, fly with. we are of nature build everything of nature, are nature. we are relevant to nature and because of hat we have purpose everywhere all the time..its called survival in natural conditions.
we are the way we are because that is what nature is capable of at this point in its own existence. if nature was supreme gods in the sky then those gods would have made entities like themselves. they would not waste time to make ridiculous humanity. no form of capability builds down. they build up..not down. nature builds up..not down. humans are as capable as nature could have made us. we are relevant to the nature we know that is coming to know itself. nature is everything. nature is savage, powerfully and can kill all it makes..makes all as best it can., we must eat and eat each other. that is nature! nature can blow up huge parts of itself. it is interconnected in that way electrically. but as it blows it recreates at the same time. nothing is wasted. nature goes on
we must find a way through. by us nature has extended itself. nature is more facile thought human hands and minds. we ask stupid, irrelevant questions like why are we here? questions that have no answers and lead to human insanity. these questions comes from the gods we have created and placed in the sky above us. we ask why did they make us...for what purpose as we can find no grand purpose for us in natural conditions..only dialectical paradox
but if we got rid of the gods those questions disappear..we come back to scale, natural scale, to nature. and at that point all becomes explicable as it was for the ancient Africans who set up humanity properly. the were human, the only humans alive at the time..Black Humanity. then they spread out and became what we are now..complete jackarse white people, pretentious, think of themselves as great, supreme not flesh and blood,..made gods for a constellation of reasons no less than the exploitation of all humanity. but the gods and religions have other applications like taking us into great fantasy that contributes to the development our collective suicide.
the white people made the supreme gods to praise themselves, to raise themselves above those they were exploiting..then believed their own shit. then the Brown people followed suit and made their own gods too..supreme and in the sky..and these have come back with a vengeance to collar humanity and are now dragging s to a collective grave. we now believe the shit..the non existent gods in the sky..the same fantastic arseholes who sent ketchim to us..with no African biological input at all.
there is only one man and woman on earth ketchim..the African man and woman evolving all the time. the Black people ketchim..the Jet Black ones, so Black they blue..those are the ones who retain all the human biological fitness to survive. if any human is superior it is them. but human superiority is biological something that we maintain and improve by the way we live, in harmony with nature not opposed to it..biology and intellect in tune with truth..not tall building and supersonic weapons, ability to kill and poison and all dat shit.
nature does not care about Modi and Imran, about rarse criminal Jews tiefing everything in the world not tied down, making man and woman bull each other to reduce population growth..corrupting all human behavior with the poison of religion... by religion preparing us to accept any dam thing they decide to do to us and with us
you are a jackarse ketchim! you are like all the rest..circumscribed by the poison of religion. nature and not god is the answer. but it looks like its too late for humanity anyway..we have made too much of a mess and its too late to get out of it
but I don't care about humanity. what I do know is that nature is everything..and even if we explode every bomb and make a radioactive dust of the planet its just a small fraction of nature that nature will absorb easily and go on.
we can see from the fossil record what nature does..how the animals evolved, how humanity came in and how humanoids evolved from in-facile human types to the most facile humanity. what that means is that nature keeps a record and improves as it goes. so what can we expect..that in conditions propitious again that nature will reproduces humanity or humanoids but better than us and go on again.
that is why I don't give a fuck about humanity..this current human species. we can chalk us up to natural experience that wont recur again in nature. nature wont repeat Australopithecus for example..never did. nature moved straight through to homo sapiens sapiens. nature wont repeat humanity again..but a better form from this experience to carry itself through in its own development. we are here to civilize nature, to take nature forward into real development. nature is trying to improve and extend itself. nature tries and tries again better than it did before.
this is the approach that makes sens to me, that produces answers of scale, relative answers to questions that have answers. there are no questions that have no answers. if there is no answer the question is moot, fantastic, stupid and insane. human society when it was African at its finest never asked those questions..'what are we here for' they saw nature, developed a spirituality that was nature, natural for the force that was nature that imbued everything. they never formed the crazy questions we develop and arks for which there are no answers. they never had to. they had it right from the start
these days the insane Jews/Khazars are beating the shit out of the Palestinians. those same Palestinians did the same to the Black people they found in Palestine. It shud not happen but payback is a bitch isn't she
look at how greedy, stupid, convinced and consumed by its own fantasies humanity is..paying itself back for all its sins. none are exempt. we are all paying for our sins in some way right now..by our own hand. that is how nature works. humanity if it does not smarten up, drop all its shit and come home to nature, to its relativity will soon blow itself out of the water..just about any time now.
So what! i don give a fuck! nature will do it again. and as per nature, learning as it goes will do it much better next time