B.F. on December 30, 2018 · at 2:28 am EST/EDT
It all goes back to the year 1066. The Duke of Normandy wanted the English crown. He assembled an army of some 10.000 mercenaries and built a fleet for the invasion. Historians never explained how a duke found the money to fight a king. The answer was simple. Zionists (Khazars) from Rouen gave him the money, on condition they became tax collectors in England after the invasion. The Duke of Normandy accepted the offer. England is conquered and Zionists became tax collectors, building up a fortune. After that we arrive to the 13th century, when King Edward Ist, known as Longshanks, was fighting both the French and the Scots. Of course, he had huge financial difficulties. The Zionists (Khazars) step in again, offering him money on condition he did what they told him, ie. they demanded that he become their political pawn. The infuriated Edward Ist sent them to the Tower of London, where he had them executed for treason. All the Zionists (Khazars) were expelled from England. They of course seek revenge. They got it in the 17th century, when they provoked the English civil war. Their agent, Oliver Cromwell, started it, financed by Zionist bankers from Holland. The English king is executed in retaliation for what Edward Ist did. After that the English monarchy was placed under Zionist influence. The Zionists always wanted Britain, a floating island fortress, to be used for imperial conquest.
The next step is the American “revolution”. The Zionist agent was George Washington, a freemason in Rothschils pay. Until 1776 the American colonies were under the control of the Crown. After that they changed masters and were placed under Rotschilds control. Who controls the US Federal Reserve, a private bank ?
After that we have the French “revolution”, provoked by French freemasons. The French king is, of course, executed, as are numerous people, including 700.000 in the Vendee region.
The next step are “revolutions” of 1830 and 1848, leading to the Russian “revolution”, led by freemasons Lenin and Trotsky. Lenin is brought from Switzerland while Trotsky from New York City. The Russian Tzar and his entire family are butchered. Millions of Russians perish.
What do we have today ? A partnership between the Rothschilds City of London and the US Federal Reserve. The City of London is an independent state inside England, outside the jurisdiction of the British Parliament, while the US Fed is Rotschilds controlled. This US central bank is in private hands, contrary to the US Constitution.
What is the chief obstacle for the creation of a globalist, Rothschilds banking empire ? Russia and China, which explains the current animosity towards both countries. The Rothschilds financed Napoleon for his 1812 invasion of Russia. He failed. They financed both world wars as well as the Russian “revolution”. The chief target was Russia and it’s intended break up. The attempts failed. We now have NATO, which has been given the exact task. It too will fail.
Finally, the Zionist created EU (based on the US Federation) will also fail. However, before it does, it will have caused immense damage to sovereign European states, bleeding them financially, as well as causing immense social and ethnic destruction. Europe is flooded with false “refugees”, who have been given the task of a political, eonomic, financial, social and ethnic Trojan Horse, it’s chief task being the destruction of sovereign European states and giving Brussels dictatorial powers. The EU Central Bank is in the hands of private bankers.Those who advocate multicultural societies know that they cannot work. The latest news is that Sweden is facing a civil war. I am afraid that Western Europe is probably doomed, being reverted back to the Dark Ages of barbarism. What will remain of Europe as we know it will be Russia and some East European countries. Not a pretty picture I am afraid.