if we did not have a cWI we would be in a perfect position to set a stage to really take our independence and launch out in cricket to create a profitable alternative to the ICC, 2-tier, OZ/India/England neo-liberal racist, class conscious sh!t
were I the cWI I would first begin setting the stage to return c to C big time..and as I set dat in motion I investing in west indies TV/Streaming/Sat communications..all that is necessary to profit totally from our cricket...and at the same time all the sports we involved in. we will be doing we own communications thing.
I mean even if we have to pool we resources to get China to send up a satelite for us...our very own..I would be working on every and all ways to get us into the big money, independent of the big 3. but I wont be broadcasting it. phuck dem!
I wud gih myself 5 years to bring west indies back on top and 7 years to become the main attraction again, drawing crowds everywhere. I would also set in place all that is necessary to ensure major talent flows into cricket again in the west indies for ever if possible.
to do this I wud break up the cWI period. the big C would return with a new kind of administration run by the players themselves..and however else we can get cooperatively voting members of the public into the admin with real democratic, one-man one vote participation
that would help end insularity and make sure the best teams are pik.
then I would make lateral and loyal connection with the second tier teams. Bang for sure..huge cricket mad population. with Lanka and Zim and so on. and as my ship rises I hope to raise dem too..with many votes..more votes than the skunt big 3.
as the minnows grow to success they can overthrow the big 3 or cut ties and leff dem to play with demselves ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
this to me is a perfect example to phuck off with the OZ/India/England triple arseholes >