Duminy reminds me of a test from Tobago that used to play fuh we...a sublime lil batsman, style fuh ah mile, talent out of his ears, but an emotional personality somewhere out there.
he wud be fielding and totally asleep at his position..I mean asleep..eyes open, even moving but asleep.
balls wud be coming to him, a catch in a bunch...and he wud be alseep, the ball wud hit him and wake him up. fuh true ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
allyuh tink it soft :
we used to shake we head relevant to him, in consideration of him..talented, physically capable, about 5 feet 8-9 inches, his face was spare, ovoid with huge clear eyes. but he was always in a world of his own, deep into it, never out of it, very quiet and peaceful at all times, hardly ever talking to anyone, always going about what he had to do.
talk with him and he was coherent, seemingly normal, like everyone else. but he wasn't. he was an angel, half and half out of the world, a phased personality, here with us but not really.
when the talk was over he was done too. he would proceed in his quietude, in the half dream he lived
he would score or not..mostly not, usually not. but when he did it was a sight to behold. Lawrence 'Yagga' Rowe had nutten on him fuh style ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
oh well! these are the mysteries of life.