seems to me as peace disappears in scorched earth capitalism people want peace more and more. to me at least it looks like social peace will soon disappear as a factor in social life.
peace is history...long gorne, done and finish. by 2050 the chirren an' dem arksing deh farder. "Daddy: wat is peace ::confused::"
there is no peace anywhere anymore..not in routine everyday life for sure. it war on all levels of life not only in the hit war spreading like wildfire around the planet
and in all the war every movement or shake the capitalist rakes in the profit..even in self defense. buy a gun, a taser, pepper spray, a knife or cutlass to protect yourself and the libtard profits. so fuh him is bes' he stoke fite, battle, comes and the social divisions that make the stoking of fites easier
allyuh tink it sorf'! the make encourages war, hot war, cold war, routine war, social war, gender war, sexual war, racial war,m class war, drug war, terrorist war, health war, carncer war, war on fake news, food fites and wars....oh guuuuuuuuuuuuuuude! is war fuh so: war, war, war..war in yuh war.
by dat same relativity we can chant profit, profit, profit, profit, profit, profit.... and yet still more profit. profit in yuh nose!
::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
::LOL:: ::LOL::