Stuart Broad has become a pub landlord after going into business with his Nottinghamshire team-mate, Harry Gurney.
The pair recently set up the Cat & Wickets Pub Company, in conjunction with another friend, Dan Cramp, and are in the process of refurbishing the Three Crowns, in Wymeswold, near Loughborough.
"It's 10 miles from Leicester and 10 miles from Nottingham, so there's quite a good hub of people around there," Broad told the Leicester Mercury. "The locals support it really well already, but we're just looking to take it to that next step.
"The pub is a real social hub of the village or suburb you're in. I have an interest in wine, which naturally leads into an interest in a pub.
"I feel like it's where you go to speak to your neighbours, friends and family, have a nice meal, enjoy some of your favourite drinks and get out of the house to socialise."
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