(WICF)The west indies is a natural unit, a nation that should be formed and will be formed as long as nation states remain the human way to go.
Divide and rule is still imperial theory and practice and it is important to see how the west indian unity was broken and maintained to this day. the example of the growth of the wicb bureau as the source of death of the cricket and massive divisiveness is instructive
We have a bureaucratic social reality in the west indies in which the social power is centred in the bureaus. and like such bureaus everywhere as well as historically, these bureaus have vested in heir own survival and that is how they exist... in protecting and developing their own survival
That is the simple reality we all live..under the domination powerful bureaucratic states that ha snow merged with global corporations to solidify their existence. corporations and government bureaucracies have the same interest. they are both concentrated monopolies living off the people. they are parasitic do produce themselves the means by which they live and dominate. their interest is in keeping the people in a position in which they do the work by which we all live, for the smallest possible part of that very production.
That means police state and all manner of surveillance and coercion on the people. and government and corporations are joined now in that endeavor..making a world safe for them.
What this also means is that there can be no alternative formations to challenge this status quo. that is what they are doing in the world, have always been doing..reducing all nationalist agglomerations of smaller into larger social entities, and breaking up by force those already large enough to fight back, to develop as an alternate source to the imperium
That is what lil Buah meant when he said...'you either with us or you are against us!' that is the basis of the battle between China/Russia and the west..wich model will survive and dominate...the corporate/bureaucratic/imperial dystopian state... or a democratic multi polar world in which all nations are secure and operate in general cooperation.
The west indies remains divided because our bureaucracies like any bureaucracy is comprador and work against the very idea on which they are established..to look after their people and to accomplish the projects that effect good progressive reality for them. one such is regional unity. west indian governments work against regional unity rather than promote it.
there is an actual west indian elitist west indian nation at the top of west indian society. but they limit it right there. nothing for the people. that is how their masters want it to be..divided, divisive and hostile at the bottom to the middle. at the top they all know each other, love their regional power and privilege.
They do not have to line up at customs and face the prejudice of jackass customs officials. and the have the money to travel around the region with their own level of west indians. they intermarry, ruin the business and the governments in the region. but they will not make a regional unity because that is not what the empire wants. and a regional unity is not consistent with their vested bureaucratic interest. or rather as long as their is bureaucracy they are on top because they will run it whether it is regional or nationally particularized as it is now. but the empire does not want unification..it wants the particularization of all nations so there will be no opposition to their globalization
Tthey fired no bullets...yet..in Greece. but they have smashed that country to bits using financial means. they fired bullets in Libya and smashed them too. no chance Libya will be re-forming a viable nation anytime soon.
Same with all the countries america is militarily involved with/in at the moment. their aim is maximum destruction..essential infrastructure in particular - hospitals, water systems, electricity grids... and deaths of ordinary people... so when they are done the states themselves remain totally without viability.
that is their aim...not to regime change although it is indeed a kind of regime change...rather destruction of the regime and the elimination of any chance there will even be a nation far less a regime that runs it, when they are done
but what they really want is Libya and Greece, afghanistan, Iraq..to smash nations, to destroy nations, to drive them back so they can never be opposition to the imperium.
that is the source of west indian implosion. and our boys have merged with them to effect and maintain west indian separation, disunity, and regional hostility between the ordinary citizens of these states
There is a west indian nation. that is why we have held together for so long. but they will not let it rise if they can help it. and as such skameron is also their bwoy for in smashing the cricket he has almost killed the strongest west indian unifying factor of all..the game of cricket