to manage a supermarket!!!! naw..not me. too much wuk for results I am not interested in at my age.
now if he planning to do some serious integrated agricultural investment with an eye to manufacture/solid cottage industries from his and other local agricultural production to feed his supermarkets, restaurants big and fast foods..I in dat..especially if up the road there is the likelihood of a solar energy component, plus a cannabis project....all deeply local and full of great potential as far as basic inputs go..I IN DAT!!!!!!
he cyan call mih if dat is his plan..if he understand the real power in investment to make real money up the road while freeing himself form forrin power/money..helping his country to grow without even having ah ideological bent towards that..just a bent to making real independent money....and covering the west indies with food manufactures of west indian origin, clean, non GMO., sustainable. real food security
that I wud wuk for...hard hard, mek night into day and not even worry about pay. whatever I get..although in the end it bound to be plenty
an look..I tellin' him wat to do. he cyan take mih ideas and run wit' dem..I doh care. as long as somebody do what is necessary and we all have the benefit... its all good :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[