yet we know what Lloyds MO is with explanation for the vagaries within! it is called the responses and reactions to, and the demands of soup drinking
we know the holders of the soup can demand antyhing at all at anytime....hence the great seeming inconsistencies of the soup drinkers. they can and do because the hold the soup...the soup can is theirs. yet if we look closely we would see the equal consistencies to the vagaries up in there... so there are vagaries but not really at one and the the same time.
we would see that what is vagary in the survival needs of the holder of the soup. for one, it would seem vague and inconsistent to fi'ah Brabits and Polly, but the holder of the soup feels threatened by those 2. feeling threatened he lashes out and demands from his drinkers to protect him by doing what he say deh mus' do.
no that can produce great chaos and loss to the business they are about but at the moment at least does not appear to harm the soup holder but protect him...dam the business...which is the cricket. that's the consistency them..'to hold on to his soup by the holder of the can...wat guides his behavior and all whom he commands.
as a result we see Lloyd behave in ways that do not belie his great experience and sucesss in his life..but quite the opposite...because at this stage of Lloyds life he chooses to eschew his once great social standing and fight for progress for more swigs at the can of soup. he sells himself for soup.
as such Lloyd is now the opposite of dat dude, the former captain... who fought the wicb for swigs at a then greater can of soup held and owned by Kerry Packer, a major soup wielder in his time.
how else to explain it then ::confused:: ::confused::
Great inconsistency there..the opposite too. sweet eh when structural vagaries conforms to human beings and our behvior. but oh guuuuude! that happens all the time
::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
::LOL:: ::LOL::
.MIH BELLY...... :-[ :-[ :-[