Cricket is one of the oldest games in the world and it continues to thrive today. The game is said to have originated in the 16th century with international matches being played since 1844. The cricket now a day has developed a lot. The use of modern graphical techniques has made it interesting for the viewers to watch and made it easy for the match officials to monitor the game.
To get more of this modern cricket, I came across this really nice on Cricket World Cup 2015. Do check it out, here is the link
. I’m listing some of its interesting features below.
Local time according to your location
Live Cricket Score Board
Cricket News, alerts and updates
Notification on every Six, Four and Out
Broadcast of your comments
History of all the previous world cups.
Notification on every Six, Four and Out
Now this feature is very unique we I haven’t seen before. It pops up a msg whenever there is 4, 6 or someone gets out.
Live Cricket Score Board
I really like this feature a lot, it displays live score on top of the main page and is very accurate. You don’t have to browse deep into the app to get this feature.