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25 Dec 2014 19:33 #230495
by boquiesse
Mail, you seem to expect some sort of rational response from the WICB and some kind of reasoned argument.
That is not going to happen and there is no pressure that can be brought to bear and certainly none from the St Vincent PM.
The pressure could only come from WIPA and they are in bed with the WICB so don't hold your breath waiting on any reversal.
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27 Dec 2014 08:27 #230671
by mapoui
all of this is a of waste of time......
we know the nature of west indian society and that knowledge properly parsed leads to the obvious conclusion..there will be no resurgence in west indies cricket unless the current social dispensation in the west indies is overthrown and a new progressive nationalist way of life instituted.
it is impossible for there to be any other results than what we have, from what goes into the current west indian social mix. for as long as we have been looking its getting worse all the time..never better. the content in the mix does not change yet we keep expecting a different, better, progressive result. at least Mail does. Mail keeps denying the truth right in his face looking for better results in some sort of dream or haze
it wont get better Mail..only worse, until the cricket is dead, or exists down at number 12 or so. they will all pass west indies if the west indian society itself does not change..even Namibia and Holland.
and the west indian society itself is likely on its death bed if I am not mistaken. and I do hope that I am indeed wrong about this for hell is looming for the west indies generally
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27 Dec 2014 08:52 #230673
by Mail
I am not denying anything just relaying what some critics are saying!
When West Indies were successful, was the WICBC predominantly white?
What in society do you wish changed?
So is this preacher correct in his assessment?
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27 Dec 2014 08:57 #230674
by mapoui
the west indian people are full of ability, smarts etc. but if the content of intellect is crap, ability is used to work up on the intellectual crap content, then the people are crappy.
the west indian culture is crappy, the people do not even have an indentity that is in any way consistent with who they really are..not even in and about cricket, the very activity that is central to any real way of life that is west indian. go talk to the ordinary youth of the west indies in any territory and ask them about Worrell, Sobers, Hall, Hunte, Kanhai..go ask them and you will find they don't know. their answer will be: WHO ::confused::
some of those kids may have fathers by the name of Rohan and they still don't know who the Babu is. their fathers never told them and the history is not in the media or in the schools. the west indian youth who supposed to play class cricket don't even know what cricket means to the region..don't have a clue as to who they really are
I used to talk with them back in the eighties and the teens then who played cricket did not have a clue when I spoke of the legends like Sobers and Kanhai. going further back was pointless. Headley was science fiction to them. they have no sense of the struggle that made west indies great. they did not have any idea of the first period of greatness just 20 years before under Worrell and Sobers
but this is the same with every aspect of west indian life, the totality of west indian life. where the hell are a people going when the live from generation to generation with only the content of that generation, the current one of which they are a part in their heads. at least the Indians and other ethnics have some kind of community structure and communal life that imparts some sort of Indian-ness, or Chinese, Syrian, Portuguese, White-ness of a longstanding and continual nature to their young. Africans have nothing of the sort
look! there was a time when in the west indies the great scholars were black me. tons of them. everywhere one looked here were great black male scholars. currently the scholars are everybody but black males. in the schools black women now carry that weight while black men are in the jails. an black females hate black males which is what has replaced in their heads content of proper identity. and these are the women who go on to nurture young black males..when they do in fact have children for black men. that is not what most of them look for. they look for any man but a black man with whom to cohabit with
that is the crap that is west indian comprador neo-colonial society. what the hell do you expect of it but crap..the crap that is happening of which cricket is exemplary.
it wont get better..only worse unless the people rise and change it. and the people do not look capable of that given the crappy social content of the society. but one never knows
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