baseball is not all that different relative to delivery to delivery of the ball. I don't think the baseball helmet is 100% transferable to cricket but that is the model anyway. they would come up with a solution if they follow that model and principle
but when it come so I believe that they already have proper design..those who make the helmet. it would be absolutely impossible if they did not have such properly designs from the start. how in the hell can they not have proper designs. but they way manufacturing works they will never build such a helmet from the get go. manufacturers simply do not do that regardless. they are going to have to be dragged tooth and nail to build the proper safe model.
that is how it always is...regardless. they like it so..they like for a few or more people to be killed by their product before they allowed themselves to be forced to do something better..or their product gets banned and pulled off the market
#### is not out of the ordinary at all for baseballs to sail in to batters heads..wide, arching upwards like an up-swinger for pitchers have that kind of ball too. its amazing how most of those guys can move the baseball, swing it..make it dip. amazingly some have balls straight and fast, that dips away, or breaks downwards, precipitously away from the batters swing
dem pitcher tests an dem doh get millions for nothing.
but balls do get loose by design or by mistake and crash into batters heads..or any part of their bodies. and when they do they usually lead to bench clearing brawls on the field
first when the batter gets hit he is awarded first base. but that hardly ever satisfies him. if one looks carefully, as the batter, takes off his gloves and helmet and tosses them towards the dugout, he is usually angrily muttering to himself over the hit..the umpires are alert, the air charged. at any point on his way to first base...if it does not happen immediately on the hit... he can and does charge the pitching mound and the fight ensues.
that happens all the time in baseball from 'errant' pitches. THAT IS WHY THEY HAVE BUILT THEIR HELMET THE WAY THEY HAVE.
short of a proper cricket helmet it would not hurt for a batsman to import a baseball help as a good or better substitution
I see nutten wrong with that