The Scripture says, “Jesus made Himself of no reputation.” He went around doing good, healing people, feeding the hungry, lifting the fallen, showing mercy to those who made mistakes. Yet people ridiculed Him, they slandered Him, said things that weren’t true. His own brothers didn’t believe in Him. The religious leaders said, “He’s from the devil; that’s how He can heal people.” Jesus couldn’t have been any more loving, kind, generous, but certain people were determined to misunderstand Him, mischaracterize Him, misjudge Him. What did Jesus do? Spend all His energy trying to straighten them out, convince them they were wrong, prove to them who He was? No. He answered them not a word. He didn’t waste His time trying to convince people to be for Him that were never going to be for Him. You would think with all that negative talk, with all the rumors, slander, lies, He would have missed His purpose. But people don’t control your destiny. They can try to defame, denounce, mischaracterize, but your reputation is in God’s hands. If what they said could stop your purpose, they would be more powerful than God. Don’t make the mistake of engaging in battles that you’re not supposed to engage in. Do like Jesus and answer them not a word. Don’t pay them any attention.