lol, take the mask off Billy. Just own it. Go full Trump-fan, alt-righter, and conservative. Bash them Jews, towel-heads and gays! You've been posting far-right links for months, but pretending to be "enlightened". Take the mask off, man!
And no, "gay marriage" didn't "degrade society". What's happening is that you are an old man, socialized in a time when homosexuality was illegal, and are disgusted by it. Much the same way white conservatives were viscerally disgusted at the sight of black men kissing white women, or blacks getting married, or blacks on TV, or women in skirts, etc etc.
And neuroscience tells us why ( conservatives
are linked to disgust sensitivity, and cognitive inflexibility. They process change as abominations.
And the people who don't like social change, Billy, historically always flock to the powerful groups (kings, landowners, aristocrats, theocrats, monarchs, feudal lords, banks, mega corporations, libertarians etc) who have a vested interest in blocking political and economic change as well.
It's why the articles you cite are overwhelmingly written by groups funded or backed by the most powerful people on the planet, or by people vehemently anti-black (Africans disgust them, and they believe minorities are eroding their paradise).
Regarding O'Toole...
In the real world, the world of sane people, someone like Trudeau is socially liberal, and economically centrist-to right wing (capitalism with mild safety nets). Someone like O'Toole, meanwhile, is socially right wing (by Canadian standards), and economically right wing (privatize everything! Cut corporate taxes!).
The conservative party's brand of free market fundamentalism has nothing but bad outcomes for the majority of people. People like you, however, see that Trudeau's brand of neoliberal capitalism - what is called Third Way Politics, adopted in the 1990s as an act of survivalism, as progressive attempts to challenge capitalism were crushed by the rich in the decades prior (see Clinton and Blair in the UK/US as the originators of Third Way Politics) - doesn't meaningfully change things, and so go searching for new truths and solutions instead.
And while searching for these truths and solutions, they are ripe for capture by conservative propaganda. If only they become more right wing, this propaganda tells them, things will be better! Trump will drain the swamp! Hitler will purge the Jews! O'Toole will get rid of the gays, muslims and liberals!
And of course, as these conservatives are even more in the pockets of the super wealthy, things only get worse. More corporate tax cuts, less democracy, less regulations which protect the common man (O'Toole literally was a Facebook, Proctor and Gamble, oil, etc lobbyist).
What's interesting is that people like you who fall for this conservative propaganda, end up actually undermining your own aims. The more conservatives or Republicans win in the US or Canada, the more the Overton Window shifts to the right (, and the more liberals tack to the right as an act of sheer survival, and the less they listen to the left wing blocs within their own party.
You want meaningful economic change - as you claim to do - then you must back economic progressives, and these blocs of radicals and left wingers overwhelmingly exist only in center-right liberal parties. It's through them where all change and positive progress has historically flowed. Yes, it's a dull, slow, incremental version of change, but utopian revolution is not happening any time soon, if ever. And certainly wouldn't be supported by conservatives (conservatism is literally ideologically opposed to democracy, and economic reform), or anyone writing the right-wing articles you post.