Here Billy is posting more lies and propaganda from a hoax site designed to draw gullible people in for advertising revenue. He's also was promoting an autopsy lie started by the white supremacist Hal Turner (, who is also a felon and Holocaust denier, and who describes black people as "filthy beasts" who deserve to be "automatically lynched".
Why does every article Billy links have connections to racists? Why is a West Indian like Billy always associating with white supermacists? How did he get sucked into this alt-right echo chamber? When will Billy realize he has been brainwashed?
Anyway, Billy's latest article states that most people with the virus are double inoculated. But in the real world, research has found the complete opposite: double vaccinated people are over three times less likely than unvaccinated people to test positive for the virus.
The most recent studies which show this...
...also show that fully vaccinated people are less likely than unvaccinated people to pass the virus on to others.
Billy's article also tries to imply that "people with both inoculations are increasingly getting the virus", but neglects to mention that this is only true in some first world nations, only true because double jabbed people are on the verge of outnumbering non-vaccinated/single jabbed people (and so statistically, a growing percentage must get the virus), and that double jabbed people who are infected report little to no symptoms, and no need for hospitalization.
Billy's link also continues to lie about Dr Malone, who is not the inventor of MRNA vaccines.
The article Billy posted also lies about an autopsy. It alludes to this autopsy (notice the author does not provide readers with a link to the autopsy)... order to insinuate that there exists "proof that vaccines destroy organs". But the authors of the autopsy explicitly say that the patient showed no signs of having COVID-19. They conclude that the patient's ailments had been caused by ischemic colitis, an inflammatory disease in the bowel, and that the cause of death was bacterial pneumonia and renal failure.
Billy's article is pushing a false-narrative around this autopsy, which was famously started by Hal Turner several months ago, a conservative radio talk show host and Republican blogger, who pushes white supremacist rhetoric.
When Turner's lies began circulating on social media, several scientists stepped forward to correct him. For example Dr Thorstein Hansen, who is with the Institute of Pathology, University Hospital OWL of Bielefeld University, in Detmold, Germany, and who worked on the autopsy, explicitly said: "
The conclusions made by Turner based on our case report are absolutely misleading and in particular nearly always completely contradictory to our suggestions. For starters, the patient did not have vaccine-induced ulcerative colitis due to blood clots as Turner claimed, but from ischemic colitis, which the patient had a history of (and a history of severe arteriosclerosis, which restricts blood flow to organs and tissues). In addition, we did not detect viral RNA in the tissue probes of the actual endoscopic investigation of the large bowel. Taken together, the ischemic colitis is the cause of death and it is not induced by vaccination. There was not any sign of vaccination side effect in the organs examined. Our patient, though being positive for SARS CoV2 did not die from COVID19; indeed, immune response due to vaccination was able to prevent COVID19.”
Hansen made three other points:
He said Turner “completely ignored” that the patient only received his first dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, and “it is well known that immunogenicity against SARS CoV2 is fully established not before two weeks after the second vaccination.”
He also said it is “simply wrong that viral RNA was found in the organs” of the patient’s body, as Turner stated multiple times.
When notified that Hansen called Turner’s "Autopsy points to Global Time Bomb" narrative a distortion of the autopsy report, Turner - who has no medical training - stood by his own analysis.
So here we have Billy citing an article written by a guy who is quoting a white supremacist who is citing an autopsy report which DISAGREES WITH BILLY.
Notice that this is always the case. Go to the actual source of Billy's information - the studies, the autopsies, the legislation, the actual beliefs of the scientists being referenced -
and the sources are always saying the opposite of Billy. This is what disinformation sites do; they twist original source data in order to mislead intellectually lazy people.
Why does Billy continue to post lies when they have been debunked? Because like Hal Turner cited above, facts don't matter when they get in the way of preserving egos and feelings.
Billy, did Trump win the election?