I playin' ah game pon you really..I wanted to see if you take the bait and bite..to put out an opinion which wud hang between yuh shoulders and yuh head, exposing yuh neck to sharp blades looking for something to slice
me personally wuh never give an opinion on this. I wud say 'this is a big issue beyond one man..it depends on if the people doing it wherever, and what the rest who not doing it thinks in the same location. if they doing it there you go..if the rest agree there you go again. it have nutten to do with my agreement or disagreement
but seriously: there are many many countries in which incest is totally legal....but there remains much prejudice against its practice..as in China I think. in Japan it is far more widely accepted and constitutes no social difficulties for those in such relationships
as far as I calculate incest is legal in so many countries that they constitute the majority of the worlds population. that's right..India and China for eg....that's 3 billion people right there..incest is totally, completely legal in those countries with the exception of marriage which may be possible in India.
then there is Brasil..250 million people..Argentina many more...France, Spain and Portugal, Belgium. the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Russia, Ukraine, Khazakstan, Japan, South Korea. so who are left as there are some few small countries i have not listed? we have just added at least 4 and a half billion people there out of a total of about 7 billions. so we have a probklem here for those countries who say nay.
but yet in all those countries with the possible exception of India there is no marriage..strictly prohibited for siblings and parent child..but not so for Aunt and Uncles and Nephews and Nieces..as well as cousins. those lesser forms of blood relation are free over many locations to marry.
but why the steadfast prohibition on closer relations who are free to do everything but marry....? they can live together, have children..the governments recognize the children and their parents as who they are..on administrative paper. that is right: if you live with your mother and you have children together that is what happens..the children are listed as yours and your mom's and there are no penalties. all in a marriage goes on..all, comprehensively married but those governments simply wont allow marriage the least only ceremonial factor. all else that is material, factual happens..the people involved do it freely
some experts put that down to the ingrained revulsion of the deep seated incest taboo. that's nonsense! every pool I have seen has a majority in favor of marriage where there is none, and full legalization where incest is prohibited. there is much commerce relative to incest that makes lots of money..like incest porn and mainstream movies. that means a whole lot of people who are claimed to be revolted by incest are not in fact revolted. so the claim of ingrained revulsion does not pass the smell test. the majority are claimed to be revolted by experts but it does not look they went out and asked the supposedly revolted whether they are in fact revolted or not
what I think it is simply the state keeping in place, trying to buttress and save the structural human punishment for prohibited behaviors. the way taboos are falling soon there will be no law by which to find the people out of line, arrest and try them and jail them to rarse. free from official harassment for any length of time the people could come to question all that exists relative to punishment, come to see how the status quo stands on the backs of the people, how they have been criminalized by systems of penalties that bear no relationship to proper crime but were put in place to shut them down.
that is why they wont remove that final nonsensical limitation of marriage prohibition. they are loathe to ease up the penalty system period. that is one of their great holds on the people..that we have come to expect and accept police pressure, arrest and harassment, jail, high prices for lawyers and so on. its a sweet game isn't it. but that could be the only reason why incest marriage prohibition maintained the world over, especially where it is totally legal already..and all but marriage the most insignificant aspect in the process is. it is little or nutten to to with general revulsion to incest