and it is the responsibility of all to check this information out for themselves, to judge and know for advance themselves for it is the truth to the extent that it is proven so far.
the electric force as far as science so far is the dominant force in nature...not gravity. the electric force is is what shapes things like all forms of life..the cloud we are in. I cant explain it yet but so far it seems logical to me, explains a whole lot..makes sense out of a whole lot I have observed in life
all of this proves the nonsense of religious doctrine..all doctrine. there cant be a soul in the body. the body dies and there is nothing that is in there that escapes outward. it is already out of the body. if there is anything that survives death about individual human beings well only the cloud that we have discovered so far has that potential. the body dies and is released into transformation back into that our of which it came..the chemical compounds of nature
now we are getting somewhere..with fact that we can chew on..way from religious insanity that is totally illogical, purposely so as to call forth human belief and ill-logic.. all the better to keep humans fearful and stupid, cleaving unto a good non-existent god to protect them from a fearful devil with a hot fork that 'progues' souls forever in hot hellfire somewhere deep into nowhere, that is always unbearably hot
there is nutten at all to be fearful of in life. there is life around us..logical in the sens that it is explicable, we can prove what ti si and that should be our job..our only prove it out so that we can make the best of it,,improve our intelligence as we go..which is exactly improving nature.
nature and the challenges humanity faces all the time are like APPs set up to produce the improvement of natures work in shaping and extruding improve nature itself for nature is not smart. nature if potential, potential and more potential looking for development, evolution..hence humanity with our existential improve nature.
we can see, walk, and talk and write, and remember, archive, make tools to extend ourselves. we can know and preserve and extend knowledge all the time. and what we know and can know is of nature itself. nature is conscious of itself through us.
nature did a 'humungus' amount of work before it got to us; there are zillions of life forms extant right now that proves this volume of effort by nature in arriving at humanity..not to mention all those that came in and went out as well. so nature finally arrives at humanity..its most facile creation or extrusion..and here we are..the white man with all his kiss mih arse god bullshit fucking up natures efforts, killing the human opportunity and job to take nature forward
I used to worry about what would nature do in the event that we eliminated ourselves then the 'Cloud" came up..we found the cloud and figure out that that is where our memories are, our consciousness..IN THE CLOUD.!
so that is how nature does it then: that cloud of electrical energy cannot be matter what we do or blow on the planet..we cannot destroy that cloud we all have. that is how nature keeps records..will not forget us and what it has already done. and as humanity goes nature will go on with that information and do more..extrude more forms of life, more perfect until it gets where it wants..or who it wants..its most perfect extrusion.
I like the term extrusion for that is what the process seems to be at this point..nature forms the beings and extrudes them..forms them out of quantum chaos..what the scientist call quantum physics in a realm that appears to be fantastic, that has rules bent out of all shape relevant to the conscious world. I don't take that seriously..that is how the scientist always talk when they can make no sense of what they find. all there is is the world...existence. it must make perfect sense and balance or it would not exist. we simply do not understand..yet!
to me the quantum world is matter, energy in a rudimentary form where nature would cause its 'electric hand' to begin shaping forms that come into the world we know, into existence. but what drives nature to behave like that and to form beings like we included?
we don't know..yet. but we are on the least some of humanity who have begun to think this way. and if we don't make it nature retains knowledge, memory of us, archived and ready for use again. nature is endless..and nature can do where ever and whenever there is need to do anything it wants..rather needs to do. it would always be a question of need..not want I think.
nature would not be doing things that it wants..that is what gods do..whatever the hell they want to do. nature would of necessity respond to need. so what did nature want need by the extrusion of humans on Planet earth as we call it.?
good question..a question we never ask, because we live by the gods we created and not by the natural forces we are in and off, live in and off, that does it all in front of our faces.. which despite that fact we felt the need to create stupid gods in the sky who we say talks to us. lunatic humanity in conference with its gods, who tells them to fight each other and to waste their time building weapons of mass destruction
I tell allyuh that nature keeps records and its not record of sins to punish souls in heaven and hell. nature doh give a fuck about nonsense like dat. what fucking sin! there is no god dam sin. for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. so therefore a sin can only be a sin against nature in which case in which it takes care of itself..resolution of all issues built into life itself.
if you want a good result then you must do good deeds. where do you do deeds, in life itself. so if we want the good life we must build the good life according to what we know on any day we are here. we do that which is bad we get the bad results right away. we do not have to await heaven and hell for such resolution to take place..there is purpose, point and resolution on human scales right here on Earth and in life. there is no escape save in death.
and I warrant that the human soul goes nowhere..that the cloud is memory, natural archive of nature. if need is the drive then nature has no need for failed send them where, to recreate what.... humans as we are?
what sense would that make? there is absolutely no logic in that, to that? why send stupid people anywhere..what would we build..the failed chance on Earth..that example?
never! when we die nature has the record of the entire project and would do better next time...but not with us. nature is need, response to requirements in existence. humans failed so far, and likely blows up our planet and are gone..done. nature goes the human route again somewhere in the universe it would be a better or more fit and useful and logical form of existence, far more tailored to meet the conditions successfully so that nature meets its need by the existence and continuation of the form
nature is a process..that's all I see process guided by the conditions of existence some of which we can glean by our own existence. we are to meet natures need somehow we don't know, and live on as an opportunity built into meeting natures need.
when Black people were the only people we were well on our way..nature was all. we made no gods and no religion...we celebrated nature and lived within nature. we trusted nature for we saw what nature did. we did not freak ourselves out with devils in hell. we saw the world and realized that in the world was everything we needed, safety, food, health, security.... that to understand the world, nature meant no fearful forms like devils and death insoluble, a terrible thing to be feared exponentially and avoided eternally.
the white man brought all that crap into the world and here we are..just about ready to end this natural development clearing the way for nature to move on. it is indeed sobering to realize that even if humanity detonated every nuclear bomb on the planet it would be a momentary flash in the universe for any being that is capable of seeing was indeed watching as it happened. but other than that it would mean little to nature, like a solar flare from suns all over the universe for suns do that..flare.
and the universe goes on the very next second as if humanity was never here..all human shit poof..gone in a flash never to be remembered save by nature in its own career..information that it may use against somewhere
the late great human species..the most stupid piece of crap ever extruded by nature. we had to learn and live and learn and live... we lost that as soon as the white man came out of the cold caves of Europe. and that's that