how so?
I doh know but crime seems the most natural of behaviors this last rounds here.
I have been checking cities of the world comprehensively for certain formative reasons and on every continent and in every top city crime is rampant, CRITICAL according to the CIA fact book
IN England, the USA, Africa Asia...same deal...crime coming out of their ears
fortunately Canada is not critical at crime in the cities....but from what I see everybody is a thief or some such: certainly doh care at all about nutten and no one..and for dat reason and its horrific routine and walking emotional ambient, the life even here in Ontario has become rather sharp, uncomfortable and ruff.
its like cracks on the ground and pikker everywhere yuh walk and look. at any point you can get chook or fall into ah hole.
nobody have any money yuh see. ..mouts' home tuh feed : and society has become so degenerate there is no respect for anyone and anything anymore..even the dead. who better to tief from. deh doh need it anymore
wen it doh have no gender anymore, and man and man getting marrid..soon man and mother, bredder, sister, aunt an uncle..all tradition gorne, no proper logical standards anymore. wen all plunder, and all manner of human behavior is justified as proper self-interested behavior, and the corporations are free to loot the planet, there is no longer any social barrier to any kind of behavior at all
lock allyuh window, shut the front door and buckle up. the ride now warming up. son the flash, fry and toast of armageddon should solve all these 'problems...nuclear pikker everywhere