very familiar old song that I love with all my heart and soul. it was the wind yu see. I could float and dream of what the wind might be, where did it come from and where does it go and come back again.
what does it bring with it when it comes back? what spirit, spirits it picks up on its journeys and comes back with?
t'he wind remaineth and brings us to a brighter day".
so said Bobby Womack and Wilton Felder. they must have known because they said we "Inherit the Wind''
but they have demystified the wind the science. we now know what the wind is and ti seems rather mundane, ordinary, recurrent endlessly. and given what humans have done to the world the wind can be nasty, heavy, hot and brutal
but at times I wonder if in fact that is all there is to the wind indeed. isn't the wind really spiritual, still mysterious and wonderful. does science know all? how much can we trust the human intellect to actually know anything in its fullness
I don't care. the wind still is love and spirit and brings us indeed to light, a brighter day!
when I get here, back into the sweetnsss I have found in life I don't want to leave at all. I want to stay in here forever with all these excellent people never want to leave. its better here, heavenly.
fuck the real world. I did not make the real world, have no idea how it came to be. I don't know how matter came into being. no one has a clue, no one knows about origins. they don't have a clue and wont until they know what matter is and how it lives and how it came to be
one day, perhaps soon, I will get into my world nad I wont come back out. I dont know why in the past I came back out. soon I wont. I hate this world...I don't like humans. humans must be like some poor mans species..made on the bottom, a kind of untouchable species in the real of universes, made by a lowly god.
all the better gods made better worlds than the human god, and gave their creations a chance. our novice low-life god made us and was stingy with his gifts. fuck him! and no thanks! I shud have given it back long ago but I wanted to know.
I have an idea now and soon I will float away on the wind, towards the light...always to the light