I recently spent a few hours around an in law of mine. she has known me for years and is under no misunderstanding as o how I think about life, about religion in particular...and particularly about christianity and all its works
I had no intent to speak with her much on any dam thing. I know her to and discussion with her is the least erudite of activities, a sort of must to be avoided. yet a discussion brewed mostly I think because we don't like each other.
and she is really no fool, in that she is not intellectually incapable. she is in fact rather facile but her facility finds expression in fuckeries like questions calculated to kill a debate entirely. the, a discussion starts, it tangents off into sensitive directions at which point she inserts a question that instantly admits of no further movement in that direction, indeed in any direction at all.
at first you think she is stupid for asking that question...then you realize it is an exquisitely formed and calculated question to fuck up a debate..and that she had worked it out..indeed she had worked out an array of such moves the total of which I had not exhausted during the time we talked. the woman is full of ability but to whayt use has she applied it.
in one particular direction..Jesus Christ and his blondness, his absolute historical lack of veracity and unfitness, she deployed a killing question.
why do you do that I asked, why do you deploy such tactic in talking about things. you are aware that it kills the conversation. she said that I believe and there is nothing you can say that will affect my belief in any way.
but Jesus is tendentious...a ridiculous conception and proposition, an historical anachronism, a concoction, an obvious creation that mangles history. why would you believe anything such.
Jesus is a white man in a world where there were no white people until much later times. there could be no white Jesus no matter how hard we tried. and there is an historical figure, a Black impse by the name of Joshua Ben Pandira who was a healer and mystery man of a cult group called Essene who got tortured and hung for his efforts at curing people of illness. the Panther was the closest deh have come to an historical figure contiguous with the Jesus myth. but blond he was not.
the biography of Jesus was concocted 300+ years after anno domini. who was there who saw and verified any dam thing reported about the six foot six blond fake? so why do you believe and live by that body of obvious nonsense.?
that is key for me: the white man conquered black people, have put black people through the hoops for 500 years and counting and yet we believe and live by, all he has set up for us. how much sense does that make?
to have done all he has to black people, the fact that he lives by and off black labor, all his wealth comes from that source..why in the hell would he do any dam thing in the interest of black people?
the #1 concern of the white man is not to allow the situation to turn around in which he becomes enslaved and is held to account for all his crimes against humanity. he will be tried and found guilty and shot, executed for his trouble..like he killed Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi
therefore the entire intellectual superstructure of life has been worked in such a way that it is to continue white domination. so why would black people believe and follow any dam thing the white man proposes, says, asks us to believe, teaches us to live by?
there is simply no logic to that and yet we do believe and live by, all that the white man teaches us to believe in and live by. that is the clearest and most obvious stupidity in current existence ..for the past few centuries and on-going. it is to my way of thinking the surest sign of black inferiority there is.
I look at my in law and she is the most perfect of evidence. she loves Jesus Christ, believes with all her heart and no solid, pure, total evidence that proves her idiocy for that can shake her belief. the more proof is established the harder she holds on to the cockamimy belief
but that is the case with almost all the black people I know. they all believe..men and women, full of 'education' they got at the white mans schools..all kinds manner and numbers of degrees. they all believe. the higher they climb socially they more they ascribe their success to their belief. and they are surely right for that for if they did follow truth the white man would seek to kill them not promote them
so is that why they hold on to cockamimy beliefs..to save their lives?
there might be some logic to that but not much. the white man is going to kill nig nogs anyway..for all the reason already cited and more. the white man is a natural biological mutation off African stock that cannot survive for long in nature. he is already dying off. the white man it seems has one survival option..get melanin into his blood, mix his blood back into the melanin.
but can he psychologically given all his superiority?
right here we see that the white is not biologically superior to the black but is he so intellectually?
the white man also used an economic system called capitalism to rape the planet. that system has now evolved to the point at which human labor power is no longer needed to run industry..at least not in numbers essential for keeping current human employed and surviving..not in a capitalist way.
Capitalism requires the elimination of people made unemployed redundant by technological advance..at least rendering them unable to revolutionize the way of life in effort to find a way for them to survive.. socialism save all people as the stage of advanced technology can be rationalized into social systems that takes care of all the people at on-going developing stages of advanced that meets all need exponentially
but that requires the end of capitalism and the end of cracker superiority
so the white man..more so the elite white man has major problems of continuation...that of advanced technology that threatens fundamentally his system of social control. then he has the issue of existential survival as white..which is impossible.
how will he do it..how will he survive as white and in charge?
a real test of his superiority eh?
meantime black people are nowhere in this debate as factor of significance, a qualitative factor in a debate that involves our very survival. we are busy praying to the absolute fake god the white ma created for us and with which we have gone running into fantasy-land, praying away our time, begging fuh forgiveness and the intercession of Jesus, the coming back of the great white man as god...the same mutherfucker who giving us thunder right now.
isnt that sweet. there are few nig nogs in this debate, analyzing the situation, telling us what is what setting up alternatives and insight into how to deal with this situation that now involved basic the entire human survival project on planet earth
so who superior then?