what quota system ::confused::
idiot Mail with his racialism again. where he see quota ::confused::
what about now then..where al the high class Indo players who should be playing?
weh deh rass and dem?
wat happen deh stop produce..no more in the pipeline?
maybe di'ze why ketchim bawling about Sarwan. deh pipeling stop or it was nevah full so he have to lok behind and not in front. no future, no Indo players of class.
as far as I see if Indos produce 2 real world class players now..right now they can take over west indies cricket lock stock and barrel. but there are none..only shive and sars and deh ole' and passing out.
allyuh fuhget things like west indies send a side to england with Sarwan as captain and Ganga as Vcap. wat quota allyuh talkin about..Mail talkin' about nuh ::confused::
who rarse bias?
and when allyuh eventually take ovah I want to see how allyuh go operate. allyuh go be fair ::confused::
I wont be holding my breath >

