chairman you are a rale jackass yes. you reduce yourself to begging wifan for posts. and he has the confidence to spit in your face and continue with his skuntery, doing harm to your board.
you demean yourself just to save this board..if wifan can save your board that is. he cant!!! who is going to come here to post because of him? your board has to meet some need that people want for them to come here. what... Indians will come here for Wifan? all are you are Indos already and they still don't come
man instead of pleading with an asshole like wifan let the board die and do something else with your time. if it cant work, it cant and move on. no need to waste more time and money on it. and certainly no time to waste pleading with wifan to post like he may have at previous times
that is why you don't want to discipline him eh. you are hoping for action from him like in the old days. why don't you ask yourself why he isnt posting like he used to? there must be a reason for it. it may be that he cant post that way anymore because he has gone crazy..totally bonkers
don't you see chairman that wifan has totally deteriorated. read his gibberish. it takes real insanity to produce that. that is not by is too complete, too natural. I mean even to conceive of and kerry out something like that is insane. you have to be insane to do that to yourself., to make yourself think and create like that..totally without value..and for no obviously sane reason and purpose. then to impose it others. there is absolutely no value and purpose to it.
you are wasting your time chairman. wifan is now absolutely bonkers.. right here in front of us here. the man is a crank now! .
give it up chairman..if it cant work give it up. don't unman yourself in the face of insanity. insanity
wifan should have been engaged with a family by now, using up his time positively. instead he is not still haunting west indian message boards after all these years, following people all over the net, hovering all over, changing his name, hiding himself. that is the work of a crazy man, a crank who has no normal interests in life.. no wife, no children, no home, no progressive ideology and commitment to anything beyond being miserable, doing shit like all this all over the net deteriorating into pure lunacy.
Nargis loved to post here. she got married, pregnant has a baby and she is gone into her life. gone! she may pass by now and then but she is into her life as a young person with a family. that is the kind of thing wifan shud be involved in, if he is and no time to post as a young man
its all good fuh him but I aint interested. and I wont have any of it here