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06 Jan 2017 12:48 #331316
by mapoui
allyuh better learn to fish..to live and work on the wartuh. the chinese do it..who is you!
:-[ :-[ :-[ :-[
anyway doh feel bad. it looks like hard time coming fuh all of human beings.
big, big big volcano can blow in Italy that wud make it hard fuh the planet....
look around and disaster on the cusp everywhere.
it cud not happen to a nicer species. ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL:: ::LOL::
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06 Jan 2017 12:54 #331317
by ketchim
Dem better learn to swim when the whole Atlantic Ocean pour in.
Salt water, to boot !
IF the Conservancy burst that is fresh water, methink
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06 Jan 2017 12:56 - 06 Jan 2017 23:42 #331318
by mapoui
in the meantime the Jews have all the money..and by debt and social control there is no money to patch the wall, the bridge the road, the house..everything. all fall dong but the Jews have all the money.....
" so yuh want to fix yuh road..borrow it. My name is Mr S.H Y lock and the interest rate is forever.
you have to pay interest until time run out. or you cyan leave the road in disrepair until it gorne back to grass and forest"
' but man how you cyan do dat. you mean there s nutten at all we can do unless it is by loan and interest?'
" and dat is if I decide to lend you at all. I might not do dat. you look ah lil too angry fuh my likin'. I doh tink I lendin' you any dam ting!!''
I wish I can borrow some money now to fix Chairman board. de dam ting too slow >
Last edit: 06 Jan 2017 23:42 by mapoui.
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06 Jan 2017 13:11 #331320
by mapoui
I am tired with this today. I went to google chrome and the site is even slower on chrome.
I am done for the day. I cant stand this torture
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08 Jan 2017 15:24 #331525
by timmyj51
Maphoney still sleepin' in his moth-eaten, lice infested, Che beret, dreamin' it ain't a wite man's world! Fido dead as doornail...soon as Kween pop off Willie 'n Kit Kate gonna
recolonize...take marchin' orders frum Stanfor...WICB back to canefields pan boilin'....
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Leh Dem Go! All Shud go. Who Gives an Efff!
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