On Thursday, the Indian Express, reported that the BCCI was in possession of ‘incriminating evidence’, including video footage, against Anderson and his alleged physical row with Jadeja. However, Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the India captain, said he had no knowledge of the existence of any video evidence, shortly after India lost the third Test at Ageas Bowl. (put hyperlink)
Last week, Jadeja was found guilty of acting in a manner “contrary to the spirit of the gameâ€, a Level 1 offence under the ICC Code of Conduct for Players, for his role in the altercation with Anderson.
Jadeja was found not guilty of the original Level 2 charge England had levelled against him, that he “turned suddenly and took steps towards Anderson in an aggressive and threatening mannerâ€, but the verdict disappointed both Mahendra Singh Dhoni, the Indian captain, and the BCCI, with the Indian board announcing immediately that they would appeal against it.
“The BCCI wishes to make it clear that it is not satisfied with the verdict. The BCCI reserves its right to appeal against the sentence,†Sanjay Patel, the BCCI secretary, had said on July 25. “The BCCI believes that Mr Ravindra Jadeja was not at fault, and supports him fully.â€
As per ICC regulations, first Level 1 offences can’t be appealed, but since this was Jadeja’s second such offence this year – after November 2013, when he was fined for abusing Shane Watson during an ODI – BCCI did have the right to appeal.