
Racism one factor in decline of windies cricket

23 Mar 2012 20:35 #81002 by Kwami
Meet your new massas .  They are starting out the same way the British did ,  owning the sugar plantations.
You know that the reintroduction of slavery is next

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23 Mar 2012 22:21 #81006 by mapoui

of course she is my sister.  why yu think I am defending her.. 

but not so much defending her, just stating the case.  you want to prove that blac people are racist and inferior by citing a poor, mis-educated and emotional sister of mine, who prolly feel the whites are right...

yu know..people like yu so..right, correct. accurate!  riiiiiight!

so I have to set her up properly. mek she know who the rass and demm really are, the liars the real fools, but who violent and murderus and know only that.

I had to mek she know that the content of that class she was in and the leaders of that class are AAA assholes, doh know fact from the fiction they have spun themselves into.

some truth for my sister so she can keep the faith, cool down and be calm and solid in the face of established white idiocy.

is wood fuh yu dave6.  anytime yu slip is wood.  yu cud be as white is on rice is still wood in yuh rass when yuh come with yuh racist nonsense.

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23 Mar 2012 22:39 #81007 by dave6

::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl:: ::rofl::  have you ever considered arguing a point with the socratic method or do you always revert to adhominem attack and screaming reaction based words like RACIST!!!!  and things that equate to the modern day version of WITCH WITCH!!! or  communist communist.  you see every society has its witch hunts now cultural marxism has many people they refer to as useful idiots who are much like you.  but i understand socratic debate is much to evil and european derived form of debate.
much to white for evolved types like you.
i understand  would rather in a calm cool collected fashion reiterate the misinformed propaganda this girl screeches. carry on  please i need some more good laughs this you tube video of your sister is providing me and the world with nuff entertainment though  :grin:

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23 Mar 2012 22:43 #81008 by The Captain
this is great 2 half and half want to see who is superior

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24 Mar 2012 00:01 #81011 by dave6

mapoui is superior hands down. it is evident with his postings. no contest

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24 Mar 2012 00:38 #81012 by chairman
did you guys watch narine today

Always tell someone how you feel because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye but regret can last a lifetime.

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24 Mar 2012 07:10 #81014 by mapoui

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24 Mar 2012 07:25 #81015 by mapoui
and remember who taught  socrates dave..and aristotle and all the rest of dem wukless illiterate whites, who did not understand properly what they were taught and regurgiated garbage as proved by africanists and egypotolists all the time.

yu see we have to account for the world as it is currently, threatened by extinction by wmd.

I did not build any of those.... and when I want somethng if I cant pay for it I do without.  thats what deh say is the right thing to do..do without or build up as u can to one day get what yu want.

and in so doing make the deals and relatinships that facilitates your achievement of that goal.

I see everybody in the world doing that save the whites.  in accounting for the world as it is it is easy to prove the truth of it...the fact that there is the greatest, most amazing quantity of utter stupidty that has produced this crisis for humanity...white greed and stupidity.



I would not be there for I dont waste my time with bullshiite anymore.  in one ear and out the other.  but were I there I wud look out for my sister for she is clearly a real one, feeling, hurting, humane, beautiful, and so vulnerable that when she felt threatened she fought the whole world for a chance.

I would seek to save such a sister, to make her fit and calm and in control for there is no reason not to be..certainly not because of those fools she found herself among and listening to

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24 Mar 2012 08:08 #81016 by mapoui

in all the noise yu make that is what yu must do..when yu have stated the claims that yu have, and posted my sister going off the deep end.

that vid of my sister establshed for all to see, the entire world that may be watching, what you in fact are...an insensitive, incomprehending, narrow-minded ignorant racist fool, gloating about the perceived inferiority, violence and general unfitnes of blac people.

well that is not the truth yu see.  the truth is found in a white natiosn utterly desroying nations simply to install a banking system that exploit the people to poverty and death..LIBYA.

look at the banking system:  building nuclear power plants for the simple reason of loans.  if a banking system is dominant then its product, what it sells are loans, the bigger the better..the more certain payment of interest can be guranteed  glorious.

so they have hooked repayment into the taxation system which the government commands, bought out the governments, and made the hugest part of the spending through the government.  the governments having privatised the peoples currency borrows all its spending needs from the banks.


so the build nuclcelar power plants dave for that reason and that reason alone...becuase they are so capital intensive the government must gurantee them.  but those plants are fraught.  if and when they go kaput there is no way to deal with them.  there are several going kaput right now and there is no way to deal with them. by the time they are done..which is never...they would have killed quite silently millions of people.

the bankers have all the money but the planet is poisoned.  that is the superior white logic that forced nuclear plants on the world.

account for the world dave..for the huige while elephants all over the world.  why do governments build them when people are suffering and simple economic expansion would be much better..like a road here and there to open markets for agricultural produce..simple micro banking systems or co-operatives..any basic investment that opens up the economy so that ordinary people can do the rest..yu know..in their ceaseles ways of surviving they will create the economy if the governments remive roadblocks.

but the government is focused on whiet elephants..huge ones that require huge loans form the banks that will socak up the available revenue and leave countriers poor but with huge white elephant contraptons stickuing up out of the broken down poverty.

thats white logic dave.  and any counry hat decides not to go along with the sefl-defeating stupidity just to enrich the bankers while the physical world falls aprat are mercilessly crushed, destroyed, hundereds of thousands killed just to demonstarte to the world how serious the bankers are in hoarding all the wealth...

the world is in sate because of that dave.  look:  Iraq!  depleted uranium has scattered the peoples DNA so much so that deformities in children abound.  Iraqui women have declared a moratorium on pregnancy.  they do not want to make monsters.

it is the same in central Europe where Clinton bombed away for the same reasons I have listed.  it is the same in pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya Somalia and wherever Obama drops bombs from his drones.

all those regions are destroyed..add to which there is Syria developing.  the Israelis dropepd white phorhorous on Palestine.  there is Honduras in Latin america and Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Ecuador etc all under threat simpley because they have said enuff is enuff......

I can go on and on with stuff like the contrived western diet that is calculated to kill people..a diet that now has 1 of every 2 americans sick unto death. it is a diet that has spread around the world..that is producing the same effects everywhere...obesity, heart desease, diabetes, cancer..and allmanner of of illness.

and thses desease are worsened by a pharmacolgy calculated to make illness worse. 

all of this has been proven beyond a doubt.  there is no more debate.  doctors who have had enuff, at the risk of their own lives and careers have come out and called what is going on GENOCIDAL.

yu see the world man! I can go on and on. BUT I DID NOT DO IT!  it is you, a white man and supporter of the status quo who did it..... and keep doing it, so that humanity has only the very slightest chance of making it past any day now

why is my sister so upset at what the idiot proffessor did and did not do?  she does not have to be.  all she had to do was let him be, pass her course and get to hell out of there, leaving them all in their idiot stew.

and with proper knowledge move to people in whose interest it would be to do differently, to save the planet not kill it..to seek to defat the white bullshit and set the human species on a proper and postive course in existence.

yu have proved and exposed yourself dave..what you and your docs are all about. you do not have the westindies at heart..the whole regin and all its people..its proper development that secures life for all...afro, indo, whites, chinese,mixed...ALL.

yu are about looking after one section, those whom yu film, whose point of view you record and express..not the whole westindian truth, upon which a case for the survival and development of the region for all its citizens can be built

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24 Mar 2012 11:07 #81022 by mapoui
The Finger of Fate Upon You William Rivers Pitt truth-out.org
<blockquote>A protester during a rally of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators in New York, March 17, 2012. (Photo: Robert Stolarik / The New York Times)Then the morning came when I opened my eyes and felt the finger of Fate upon me, I knew the time had come...
- Robert Penn Warren</blockquote>At this moment, tens of thousands of Americans in Iraq, Afghanistan and all over the world are under arms and in peril, engaged in conflicts that serve only to prolong this terrible, endless age of war. At this moment, millions of innocent people are cowering somewhere because of it.

Make no mistake: someone is, at this moment, bathing in riches at the expense of those soldiers, their families, and the untold scores of civilians whose only crime was getting in the way of the first, best, and biggest payday of this new century. The last ten years have been a festival of profit-taking for a small collection of people you will never meet.
None of them will ever be buried with honors at Arlington National Cemetery, yet their fortunes have been made off the blood and bone and soul of the American soldiers who have gone into that cold ground, and off the screams and agony of millions of innocent human beings ensnared and annihilated by an American machine that eats, and eats, and eats.

Meanwhile, millions of Americans are sitting in their homes with an acid bath at work in their stomachs, fear just behind their faces, because their family is all around them, and they don't want to let it show that the roof over their heads is hanging by a thread because the job just cut back hours and layoffs are imminent. A lot of people have stopped believing in the idea that hard work and dedication will carry them forward, because they are running as fast as they can just to stand still, and that's if they're lucky. A lot of people are going backwards, even as the richest among us enjoy record profits, obscene bonuses and tax breaks that would make Marie Antoinette blush into her cake.

If a family does have to go on relief, well, good luck after November, because even the hardest-working families that need help might have to live up to the Republican ideal, which in the world of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and Rand Paul and Rick Santorum means there is no help, because real Americans don't need help, but have to pull themselves up by their bootstraps, whatever bootstraps are...and it really doesn't matter in the end, because poor people don't count anyway.

A large and growing segment of the population does not think this is right, and have been saying so in ways both loud and subtle since September

The Occupy Wall Street movement hurled down a marker, and changed the nature of the conversation in this country in the process. For the first time in decades, income and tax inequality, and the pornographic economic largesse given to the wealthy, have become fodder for mainstream political discussion.
Last fall, the movement was met with violence in a number of places, but only after the encampments had been in place for weeks. Last week, in New York City, the movement was met with extreme violence almost from the moment it raised its head.

It appears the authorities have no intention of letting the movement take root this spring, and have put us all on notice that life and limb will be in peril for anyone who dares to stand up. As before, it will all be documented - if last week is any indication, the police still have yet to catch on to the fact that everyone is a journalist in the 21st century, and their violent tactics no longer happen in the dark - and instead of dissuading people from joining in, their heavy-handed tactics will motivate them like never before.

History cracks me up, because it really does repeat itself. The original name for St. Patrick's Day is "Evacuation Day," commemorating the day when the British fleet- under patriotic duress - fled Boston Harbor. That was a tipping point that eventually led to American independence. March 17, 2012 in Zuccotti Park now stands as a similar day of pride in American history. The authorities pushed people around, beat them up, put heads through windows, and made it all too clear that Occupy Spring is going to be a serious, even brutal affair.

The intimidation is very real, and the danger of harm is vividly present, if last week is to be the norm for Occupy Spring. They want to kill this thing before it begins.

We cannot let that happen. We have come too far, and accomplished too much, to let them scare us back into the cowed submission that allowed this country to be plundered in an orgy of greed, fraud and state-sponsored for-profit murder abroad.

Not again. Never again. This is your time. This is our time. Let us show them what real American courage looks like, as we make for ourselves and our children the better country, and the better world, we know is possible.

Right here.
Right now.

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