an effort to try to reform and save the catholic church
the point here is that the church is successful administratively successful in that it staffs the church globally so successfully that there is never rebellion from within, schism.
there are no internal rebellions of any seriousness from any part of the catholic staff,. nunnery, clergy, paper pushers, catholic media etc. so the church's personnel department selects always the right people who will not rebel against the church and challenge its very existence from within
yet from the scandals that have taken place within the church that break into public consciousness we can see what kind of people the church's personnel department selects to do the work of the church..especially the clergy?
from these scandals the world has come to realize that the catholic church is a safe house for homosexuals, that the church's symbology especially the impression of Jesus Christ painted by Mikel Angel is homosexual iconography that homosexuals everywhere recognize as one of them.
the catholic church cannot help but understand this salient fact about eh picture of Jesus with the bleeding heart..that it was painted by a homosexual in love with his subject male, and that fact is totally expressive in the picture
the picture of Jesus could be placed on the cover of any homosexual magazine and it would not be out of place
it is my contention that the catholic church selects homosexual priests as a matter of internal policy..a major benefit of which is control of the clergy from inside. the collective homosexual priesthood would never be a massive labor problem, or ideological problem. the priesthood would toe every line established by the church, ensuring labor peace all the way through.
and as far as I know dissent inside the catholic church has hardly ever been collective but seemingly always featured ideological dissent by individual scholastic priests.
the catholic church knows how to keep itslf going and homosexual priests are part of its way. personal homosexuality is not factor that works against any man wanting to be a priest. it is a mark in his favor.
and what have we come to know about white men in general..that for the greatest majority of their number they are homosexual..and or the homosexual act is normal and regular to them..that it is part and parcel of their regular sexual repertoire. so that all the years of homosexual persecution, legal torture and prohibition in white life was a comprehensive religious hypocrisy. now that they have legalized homosexuality all is quiet on their homosexual front, as they proceed openly in the full expression of their homosexuality, with homosexual marriage and so on
now the only difficulty for the catholic church relative to homosexual priests is doctrinal..the church requires their priests and nuns to be sexually celibate. but there is no more problems with priestly homosexuality as an orientation of their sexuality.. the church has to find a way to ensure their priests keep the pricks in their pants and not up the butt of little boys
of the church can change doctrine..allowing priests and nuns to have sex, to end catholic religious celibacy. that seems to me to be the right way to go. there are any number of sensible and factual bases for ending religious celibacy. now that it is an urgent and costly issue for the catholic church they may feel free to develop such change.
the catholic church should also address the gender question of its priesthood, and see their way clear to allowing women to become priest as well. that would be a massive change and give a powerful positive impact to church reform. you see Francis is calling for reform not change. but I am calling for change in the catholic church that is well nigh revolutionary THAT MAY JUST SAVE IT AT THE LAS' MINUTE
what such would do is immediately improve the quality of humans wanting to be priests. the church could embark on a massive personnel change..getting rid of the sexually dysfunctional clergy, for the homosexual bent and proclivity of current catholic priest is pedofillia..raping little boys...underage people, children. I am confident that almost all of those priests up in the catholic church can be arrested for sexual crime, tried and put away. the church is their protection.
the catholic church now has an opportunity to move away from its criminal place, purge itself with some social Epsom, and move positively into the modern world with a new clergy of people set in their orientations, legal and adult or exercise of their orientations and can live them out in the open. ..personnel who can carry out their chosen missions within the catholic rubric..which is why they have become clergy in the first place
now this is a perspective that remakes the catholic church and challenges current church hierarchy to their collective core. they will not survive..Francis an' dem. it wont take more than 5-10 years for that whole old fat ase nasty robber baron hierarchy to be tossed and the whole church re-missioned..this time in line with the people, ordinary people who are the ones who pay for the dam church but whom the church does not serve
and yet such change..not reform.. may not save the catholic church in its monolith formation. the catholic church is simply too large and hierarchically administered. all such pyramid organization are made for corruption, bobol. no matter how much they are organized and re-organized they are susceptible to corruption which soon appears. and if the real mission of the catholic church is o administer to the needs of the people..their spiritual needs so that can deal with their material needs, solve that problem the church cannot do but fight the status quo
and the best way for people to meet all their needs in through their own independence and freedom to grow according to who they are in their countries and culture supported by their own resources which they must have in total, to use for their own well being. such independence does not need a supranational organization religious or otherwise directing them, even participating in anyway in their independent struggles. the catholic church would be able to help best were it entirely local, totally identified with the people.
as a supra-national body the catholic church would be a help if it could keep stronger countries off the backs of smaller countries seeking their independence and control of the nations and wealth. but the catholic church as an international body cant do that..has never done that..has always worked with the bigger countries..white countries to subvert and subsume the smaller countries and steal their resources. the catholic church was set up for such purpose from the start and now we get to the heart of the matter..the purpose of the catholic church and its functioning from its inception as an anti nationalist, imperialist/hegemonic, racist force in human affairs.
that function would have to be changed into its opposite for the catholic church to survive. and if it does change that, institutes all the changes I have listed it introduces a freedom and truth into its affairs that would not be able to deny the uselessness of the church in any from save the one it was formed to carry out..preparing the people of the world to be quietly rapes by imperialism by church religious doctrine as palliative, producing quietude in the raped as big rapine dicks were shoved up their collective butts.
the world does not need the catholic church for revolutionary purposes. and as a hierarchical organization the church can never be revolutionary, never in sync with the interest of ordinary people the world over. formed as a religious organization science has long hollowed out church doctrine to prove the abstract nonsense it is and what it was developed for..the same purpose described above
all that may save the church is the deep reform I have suggested above. and if that reform is carried out it frees up the church and the people to see even more truth and the real global efficacy of that church relative to the interest of ordinary people...which is matter how it is reformed and re-shaped. and on that truth the catholic church will ultimately just break up around the world and the Vatican will remain as relic and museum.
Francis knows this..which is why he calls for the cheap reforms he calls for. I know that catholic church cannot survive at all, in the face of the needs of the ordinary people of the world whom it purports to serve. the catholic church serves only the rich. the very deep reform the catholic church needs to try to save it, will speed up its demise