The Albion sugar estate is expected to start harvesting today and grinding operations are expected to commence in a few days, following the burning of the first beds of canes yesterday, with Estate Manager, Threbhowan Shiwprasad saying that he is optimistic about the future of the estate and GuySuCo in general.

Initially, the first crop was expected to start later in the month, however due to the favourable weather, the Albion Estate decided to bring forward the date and get the ball rolling, as GuySuCo works towards a production target of 97,420 metric tonnes for 2021.
“We did a steam trial yesterday and in the steam trial most of the vessels we run up, they run very successful, all the results that we are looking for. We still have a few adjustment and I am very optimistic with some of the work we do that the factory will be grinding more hours with less down time and that would help us,” Shiwprasad told Stabroek News yesterday.