my real acquaintance with Jews can indeed be questioned. it is not extensive but substantial somewhat..with ordinary working class Jews and a few professional ones to no great depth. and my imagination is not hard at work on this at all. actually its a comment made by another Jew that came to me relative to this same question here of protecting Jews.
it was noted that there are indeed Jews in positive critique of Likud/Zionist Israel and Jewish global polices who are seemingly sincere but that Jew in question... and it could have only been Gilad Atzmon or Mr Shamir himself who said it in one of his recent contributions..who pointed out that yes indeed "Jews are in every organizational leadership across the spectrum but no matter which side prevails they are indeed Jews"
I thought this here commentary an apt point to raise that question, relative to Mr Unz and Mr Shamir himself, in view of what is happening in France in particular. the situation right around is not getting better, cant get better from a capitalist angle for the ordinary people. the ordinary people are losing out in the west.. our collective social prognosis is not good. Chris Hedges last year came out directly calling for massive civil opposition to the establishment as the way forward, an immediate precursor to revolutionary change
Hedges does not call for revolutionary violence but I do not see that such violence can be avoided. the situation in my estimation is that bad
Chomsky says that he sees no incipient fascism as parallel to the 1930's but in that he is or may be calming the people down unduly. there is worse than incipient fascism afoot because this is not the 1930's. the responses currently demanded by the stage are relevant to and determined by the current stage and the challenges it places before us.. organized around our individual and class interests
currently we have a massive and developing technology that in the hands of the capitalist class has made ordinary people redundant. social or existential redundancy makes every ordinary person a revolutionary, conscious of it or not. the capitalists are conscious of it and their response is an attempt at creating a world over which they will have absolute control indefinitely
is there evidence of this? everywhere look..yes indeed.
so don't look for a recurrence of the 1930"s and so-called German fascism. that makes no sense. look for developing Brave New World movement. how else can this day of capitalism 2019 be resolved from the capitalist point of view and interest and social control?
so I am looking for Mr Shamir and Mr Unz right there! but they are not
is this an accurate assessment..and if it is, our popular necessary ordinary collective responses are urgent, must be democratic or what they call socialist, essential, comprehensive and relevant to the stage must be complete and final. that is revolutionary social change from the ground up, by the people and for the people
we have arrived we have, at a point of collective decision about the human future..whether we can survive at all given the way we have lived over the past thousand years at least. the options and potentials are Brave New World, popular democracies or war and environmental collapse.
I am not interested at all in Jews fighting Israel, Zionism, Neo Liberalism etc for fighting sake. the situation is simple indeed:
fight Israel because it is a suicidal anachronism that must disperse itself, or be dispersed.. or merge and build a decent collective nation where they are.
and I do wish to see an a resolution of what appears to be Jewish religious insanity, based on what I know of the Jewish religion and their idea of being the chosen, and given the world and the rest of humanity as of their own group ownership
I am keen to an edge about thorough social revolution in the west, and the massive Jewish power stands against that potential 4-square, everywhere. yet human freedom to control and apply the technological stage in the collective interest is equal to human survival, not the other way around
so that is where I am coming from. Mr Unz has done intellectual work presented here I don't think many around are capable of . Mr Shamir is always erudite, informative and readily readable, a pleasure to read. but I have not seen where both have dealt with this most urgent of topics..how does humanity survive indefinitely in the face or evolutionary Jewish dominated capitalism, hell bent on saving itself in and by forms of social organization that can only result in human death and reduction to slavery.. subject to the latest technological advances in human incarceration and biological 'management' towards the same end