the younger people are involved, now, getting into truth, into the basic process of social evolution and so they now understand capitalism that it is a disaster and taking humanity over the cliff and how to stop it
I post this here because humanity is in crisis, facing a catastrophe, the final decision about our collective existence. if we dot not make the right choice now we are all dead.
it is a decision we are all involved in, must make in the process of evolving a system by which we live that includes fundamentally all in its routine process of life and evolution.
we face a junction right now, immediately that can produce a situation that would end humanity. the Insane Jews feel compelled to reduce Iran to servitude, to destroy that nation. they feel so compelled because they must do so to save and expand their capitalism and control over the planet. Iran, in conjunction with China and Russia stand in their way. so they are going to attack the weakest link.
Trump is trying to make nice with Putin to get him to stand down in an an American Jewish attack on Iran, they want Trump to commit his own hari kari that this is between them and Iran and they can live as friends with the Russians
but that is not the point at all. the Jews intend to consume them all..all 3 of them as they must or capitalism will have nowhere to go..will be consumed by developments from the east. so for Iran there is no option but to fight. because whichever way it happens the Jews/USA must reduce Iran to servitude.
the flash-point is Syria. Iran in Syria makes Syria impregnable. Iran does not plan to attack Israel while in Syria..simply to protect Syria leaving Israel. the capitalist decline will take care of Israel as obsolete financial capitalism implodes on itself. but Israel will not sit by and accept defeat. Israel will attack Iran regardless.
that is what is developing as we speak. the previous western plan to absorb Syria is in tatter, a failed project thanks to the Russians and Iranians. there is it right there. the Russians and Iranians stopped the Jews and America cold in Syria. they cant have that. Capitalism is now in serious trouble..cant expand, implosion.
so as Syrian reconstitutes itself, this time so strong the Jews in Israel will not be able to attack it and win..not small skirmishes or big battles or total war. in another year or two... if not right now Jewish supremacy in that the world.. is over.
so they are ready for war. it is another white driven war for the world, this time with the Chinese and Iranians involved. the white west is fighting again for the continuation of their 'right' to enslave and plunder the colored world of darker peoples
as the Iranians in Syria move towards the Israeli border the Netanyahoo monster and his Trump lap dog are howling, threatening. this is real. they are feeling the pain and they are using Iran in Syria as the trip to start world war 3.
will the Russians stand down!! is Putin another Gorbachev!!! do the Russians see the divide and rule in the the game to get them to stand down in the destruction of Iran...and to be blind to the fact that Russia is next but then without the support of Iran...then China shorn of the Russian support?
I don't think so. Russia will also know that the Jews cant take on Russia and win, that that fight would go Nuclear quickly because the Jews/Americans have no conventional means to defeat Russia.
so if they do no wish to be destroyed on a ruined planet they have something else planned for Russia short of all out war. and that can only be a coup inside Russia..a deep coup using the Russian fifth column 'Alanticists' to unseat Putin, to put in another treasonous Russian government that would sell Russia out to the west like Yeltsin did.
so look out for attack on Iran, and at the same time chaos in Russia, as they attempt coup inside Russia. this is what all the Trump meeting and smooching with Putin and loud, opposing noise inside the USA from the Democrats deep state may be all about.
if that is the case.. and something like this is indeed the case anyway, regardless..the human species is on the edge. so I bring this here for those who may still pass by this mad house in which the chairman carries on a JI-NORMOUS conversation with himself... and read a bit.
toss it all out and let the chips fall where they may. one never knows